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Traffic Help A Guide to Increasing Traffic On Your VNN Site.

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Presentation on theme: "Traffic Help A Guide to Increasing Traffic On Your VNN Site."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traffic Help A Guide to Increasing Traffic On Your VNN Site

2 GOAL: Inform your school & community about your VNN site 1. Who am I trying to reach? a)School b)Community c)Etc 2. Where can I reach these people? a)Offline b)Online Why Increase Traffic? 1.Spread your message to more people 2.Generate more revenue from your VNN site 3.People self serve online, meaning less phone calls First Ask Yourself these Questions: * This guide is designed to help you find the quickest, most effective solution.

3 1 2 3 Promoting Traffic Offline You can get people online by promoting offline Banners Create banners with your URL. Place them in the gym, hallways, football stadium, baseball field, tennis courts, etc Flyers Place flyers with your URL all around the school, and in the teacher’s mailboxes. Morning Announcements Remind the students, faculty, and staff to check out highlights from last night’s game at your VNN website.

4 4 5 6 QR Codes Create a QR Code that will direct your fans right to your site. Place it on handouts, game materials, or anywhere else a fan could scan it. Get creative! Marquee Whether it’s the old fashioned sign, or the new electronic marquee, insert your school’s URL for all the passerbys to see. Halftime Announcements Announce to all the fans at halftime that they can check out highlights from tonight’s game, and find out where the team will be headed next week, right on your VNN site!

5 7 8 9 Spirit Shirts Sell and/or give away spirit tees that say “Go Cardinals” on the front and the URL to your site on the back. Pep Rallies What better way to spread your URL name than in a gym full of students and athletes. Promote in Newspaper Print this week’s sport section with the new website information.

6 10 Interview Current Athletes Do an interview with current athletes on how much they love your VNN site. Insert this interview into the morning announcements, the newspaper, the school magazine, etc. Once the word has spread offline, you should promote your site ONLINE.

7 1 2 3 Promoting Traffic Online If you build it (and promote it) they will come Email Blasts Send an email introducing your site to all parents via listserv Facebook & Twitter Contests Create a contest for the community to participate in via social networking sites, like Facebook & Twitter. The prize can be as simple as a concession stand gift card! Pictures, Pictures, Pictures They are the #1 traffic driver. After-all, kids like to see photos of themselves, & parents like to see pictures of their kids!

8 4 5 Pressbox Articles are the second highest traffic driver, and everyone is interested in how your teams did last night! Upload Videos Did you catch a sweet clip of the awesome touchdown pass, or the game winning spike? Upload it to your site! Those who missed out on the live action will love to see to see the sweet plays everyone has been talking about. Continue to promote your site off and online, and watch your traffic increase!

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