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WRITING SHORT STORIES. WHAT IS A SHORT STORY? A short story is a brief, made-up narrative— an account of a sequence of events. The events in a short story.

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Presentation on theme: "WRITING SHORT STORIES. WHAT IS A SHORT STORY? A short story is a brief, made-up narrative— an account of a sequence of events. The events in a short story."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS A SHORT STORY? A short story is a brief, made-up narrative— an account of a sequence of events. The events in a short story can take place in a burning desert, in a mountain fortress, or on a street just like yours. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, a short story can show you the world from a different point of view.

3 MOST SHORT STORIES HAVE…  one or more characters (the people involved in the story).  a conflict or problem that keeps the reader asking, “What will happen next?”  a beginning that grabs the reader’s interest and introduces the characters, setting, and conflict.  a middle in which the story reaches a climax—its turning point.  an ending in which the conflict is resolved and loose ends are tied

4 BRAIN STORMING IDEAS Some people like to brain storm ideas about a setting or subject by just quickly writing down possible characters and situations that may occur in the setting of their choice. It should take to long to come up with a few ideas that might become a very interesting story.

5 CREATE A PLOT A plot is the arrangement of events in the story. It is more than a simple sequence: “This happened, then this happened, then this happened.” Instead, a plot is an arrangement of events designed to create interest, even excitement.

6 A PLOT USUALLY FLOWS LIKE THIS:  The exposition introduces the characters and their situation, including the central conflict.  This conflict develops and intensifies during the rising action, which leads to the climax.  The climax, or turning point of the story, might take the form of an argument or moment of decision.  In the story’s falling action, events start winding down, leading to the resolution.  At the resolution, the conflict is resolved in some way and loose ends are tied up.

7 TYPES OF SHORT STORIES Realistic stories take you on a walk through familiar neighborhoods with people much like those you know. Fantasy and science-fiction stories might whisk you away to strange, new planets or mysterious ancient kingdoms. Adventure stories tumble you into a world of brave heroes fighting dangerous enemies.

8 Create a Plot- A plot is the arrangement of events in the story. It is more than a simple sequence: “This happened, then this happened, then this happened.” Instead, a plot is an arrangement of events designed to create interest, even excitement.

9 PLOTS OFTEN FLOW IN THIS PATTERN: The exposition introduces the characters and their situation, including the central conflict. This conflict develops and intensifies during the rising action, which leads to the climax. The climax, or turning point of the story, might take the form of an argument or moment of decision. In the story’s falling action, events start winding down, leading to the resolution. At the resolution, the conflict is resolved in some way and loose ends are tied up.




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