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Chapter 10-11 Review The Roman World. 200 Points.

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1 Chapter 10-11 Review The Roman World

2 200 Points

3 According to legend, Aeneas came from ______

4 As time passed, the ____ became more powerful, gained influence over magistrates, and took control of the city’s finances.

5 Rome’s last three kings were ______

6 Rome’s government went from a _____ to a _____ to a _____.

7 Rome fought the Punic Wars against _______

8 When the Romans conquered ____, they adopted much of the culture of the people who lived there.

9 Between 58 and 50BC, Julius Caesar conquered nearly all of ________

10 The Romans created lasting structures by using _______

11 The ________ tells about the life and teachings of Jesus.

12 Romans called the capital of the eastern empire ________

13 True or False Questions 100 points

14 Caesar took the title princeps, or “first citizen”

15 Disciple is a word that means “God’s Chosen One” in Hebrew

16 Many of Italy’s ancient cities were built on hills

17 People who were conquered by the Romans were generally allowed to worship whatever gods they pleased.

18 Rome’s early history is well documented by written records.

19 Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus wanted to help the people of Rome.

20 Early Christians believed that the Resurrection meant that Jesus was the Messiah.

21 The capital of the Roman Empire was Byzantium

22 Emperor Justinian was unable to reconquer parts of the fallen empire

23 The Huns led by a fearsome leader named Attila, raided Roman territory in the east

24 Answer the Question 200 Points

25 Rome’s public meeting place

26 The decay of people’s values

27 Consisting of three parts (government)

28 A religion that began in the first century AD

29 Philosopher who tried to stop the chaos in Rome’s government

30 Rome’s 1 st written law code

31 _____ traveled throughout the Roman world spreading Christian teachings after Jesus’ death

32 Short Answers 500 points

33 Why did Roman language spread?

34 Why did the emperor ban certain Jewish rituals?

35 What word best describes the Roman approach to science and engineering?

36 What effect the occupation of Judea have on the Roman Empire?

37 What effect did Theodora have on the riots in AD532?

38 Why was Julius Caesar killed?

39 What was the result of Justinian’s changes to Roman laws?

40 List 4 reasons the Roman Empire fell.

41 Why were Roman Roads built?

42 What was Octavian’s goal after Caesar was killed?

43 What effect did military battles have on farming?

44 Why did Romans frequently make payments to Goths?

45 What is a similarity between Easter and Christmas?

46 Similarity between magistrates assemblies (tribunes)


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