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By: Me.  per·son·i·fi·ca·tion  Spelled[per-son-uh-fi-key-shuhn]  noun 1. the attribution of a personal nature or character to inanimate objects or.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Me.  per·son·i·fi·ca·tion  Spelled[per-son-uh-fi-key-shuhn]  noun 1. the attribution of a personal nature or character to inanimate objects or."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Me

2  per·son·i·fi·ca·tion  Spelled[per-son-uh-fi-key-shuhn]  noun 1. the attribution of a personal nature or character to inanimate objects or abstract notions, especially as a rhetorical figure.  2. the representation of a thing or abstraction in the form of a person, as in art.  3. the person or thing embodying a quality or the like; an embodiment or incarnation: He is the personification of tact.  4. an imaginary person or creature conceived or figured to represent a thing or abstraction.  5. the act of personifying.personifying

3  The tree was talking to me.  The house loomed over the yard  The walls were staring at me  [inside SpongeBob's mind] SpongeBob boss: Hurry up! What do you think I'm paying you for? SpongeBob worker: You don't pay me. You don't even exist. We're just a clever visual metaphor used to personify the abstract concept of thought. SpongBob boss: One more crack like that and you're outta here! SpongeBob worker: No, please! I have three kids! ("No Weenies Allowed," SpongeBob SquarePants, 2002)metaphor  I found that on a website.


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