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National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia The largest NGO in the Coffee WorldMission To improve the standard of living of more than 560,000 Colombian.

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2 National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia The largest NGO in the Coffee WorldMission To improve the standard of living of more than 560,000 Colombian Coffee growers

3 Figures √Coffee growing towns: 559 (52%) √Permanent population: 4 million (10%) √Coffee growers: 566,000 √Coffee Growing Area: 3.6 million Ha (3%) √Farm Average Size: 6.5 Ha √Plantation Average Size: 1,5 Ha √Rural Employment: 800,000 people (37%) √22% of total agricultural output √ 7,3% of total exports. √Exports Value: US$ 1,200 million

4 The Coffee Growers…. TRADITIONAL & SMALL FARMERS (95%) FARMERS (95%) ü Low adoption of Tech ü Live in the farms ü 70% of Total production ü Low productivity ü Family Labor ü Small size farm ü Less than 5 Ha ü Poor Educated ü Risk avoiders ü Objective: To survive COMMERCIAL FARMERS (5%) FARMERS (5%) ü High Adoption of Tech ü Live in the cities ü 30% of Total production ü High Productivity ü Pay Labor ü Medium size farm ü More than 5 Ha ü Educated ü Risk takers ü Objective: profits

5 Our dependence on Coffee… ü 530,000 direct jobs ü 1,000,000 direct and indirect jobs ü 2,000,000 people depend on coffee ü 37% of rural employment ü 22% of Rural GNP ü More than 50% of Rural GNP in 6 states There are practically no agricultural alternatives for most coffee growers.

6 PROJECTS FOR COFFEE GROWERS Productive Projects Technical Assistance- Extension Technical Assistance- Extension Coffee Productivity Coffee Productivity Coffee Quality Coffee Quality Food Production Food ProductionInfrastructure Road maintenance Road maintenance Electricity Networks Electricity Networks Aqueducts Aqueducts Environmental Projects: Septic systems Septic systems Forestry Forestry Social Projects Primary and Basic Education Primary and Basic Education Adult Education Adult Education Health Health Recreation Recreation

7 THE CONTEXT Poor educated coffee growers (Average: 3.4 years of schooling). Poor educated coffee growers (Average: 3.4 years of schooling). Low productivity of traditional farmers. Low productivity of traditional farmers. Children study 10 grades in rural schools. Children study 10 grades in rural schools. Parents wish their children migrate to the cities. Parents wish their children migrate to the cities. Children help their parents with physical labors. Children help their parents with physical labors. General belief that education and farming are not compatible General belief that education and farming are not compatible

8 Projects in Education II. COVERAGE I. QUALITY  “Escuela Nueva” methodology  Coffee in the curriculum “School & Coffee”  Primary for Adults  ICT in schools  Post-primary-Basic Education (6°- 9°)  Grades 10° and 11°

9 WHY does a private company invest in Education? We do not do it for Philanthropy. We do it because we want to:  Increase productivity in coffee plantations.  Reduce production costs  Slow down the migration process.  Be more competitivity in coffee business.  Contribute to the construction of a peaceful society.

10 Education makes the difference… We believe that after 10 years of schooling a poor person could leave poverty behind

11 The Federation has developed the technology to produce coffee in a competitive way. However, the low level of education of most coffee growers makes technology adoption simply too difficult (Crece, 2003) Education makes the difference…

12 THE WAY WE WORK Policy: to work in association with government entities and other partners. Federation does NOT replace the government. Federation does NOT replace the government. ücontributes with a % of the total cost of the project or work. üusually manages the resources and coordinates the investments. üdoes not make any profit as coordinator. üacts as a NGO specially in the fund-rising task.

13  We do not replace the government but we accompany the government. Our contributions are: Our contributions are:  Continuity  Opportunity  Flexibility  Funding  Efficient Management  No political interests Contributions of a private company in a public-private partnership

14 IMPACTS I Schooling Schooling Parents Average Schooling: 3,7 years Children(12-18) Average Schooling 8,0 years Children(12-18) Average Schooling 8,0 years Migration: Nowadays, there are more people living in rural areas than 20 years ago. Migration: Nowadays, there are more people living in rural areas than 20 years ago. Quality of Rural Education: Rural Public Education is better that Urban Public Education Quality of Rural Education: Rural Public Education is better that Urban Public Education

15 IMPACTS II OTHER VARIABLES Teachers Commitment Rural teachers of the program are more committed than other teachers (last national strike, 90% of program teachers worked normally) Productivity??? Peace?? We believe that a place in the school (good and sufficient education) could be the only offer to compete against enrolment of children to ilegal armies.

16 Conclusion If what we want is competitive coffee business and rural development, we have no choice but to help educate the next generation of coffee growers.

17 No Education No competivity

18 Thank you !!!!! for your attention

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