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Environmental Science CH. 24 Notes Solid and Hazardous Wastes.

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2 Environmental Science CH. 24 Notes Solid and Hazardous Wastes

3 New Year’s Resolution What are 2 things that you do or use that you could change to reduce the amount of trash you produce? – For example: bring a reusable water bottle to school instead of buying water or soda in disposable bottles

4 Trash Challenge What can you do with this plastic tube other than throw it away or recycle it? – Be creative – You can ask for more than one tube – Prizes for the top 3 ideas!! – Finished idea is due by Tuesday, Jan. 17 – GOOD LUCK!!!

5 Humans produce solid waste and hazardous waste No single solution Combination of – Source reduction – Reuse – Recycling – Composting – Burning – Landfills

6 “Trash without a country” United States produces more solid waste per person than any other country – 2.0 kg or 4.5 lb/day Barges of trash circle the globe looking for a disposal spot

7 Manufactured Products Some made with the potential to be repaired, reused or recycled Others intended for one time use – Diapers, paper napkins, etc. Packaging – Attractiveness (marketing) – Protection – Sanitary

8 Types of waste MSW –Municipal Solid Waste 1.5 % of total waste Homes, offices, stores, restaurants, schools, commercial and industrial facilities Heterogenous mix of – Paper, yard waste, plastic, metal, wood, food, glass, rubber, leather, textiles – Compostion changes with times Non-MSW Over 98% of total waste Mining (75%) Agriculture (13%) Industry (9.5%)



11 Disposal Open dumps Landfills Incineration Composting

12 Waste Prevention Resource conservation (source reduction) Reusing products Recycling Composting

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