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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, October 20, 2013.

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1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, October 20, 2013

2 Prov 3:5, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”

3 The Book of Proverbs Chapter 11 Blessings vs. Divine discipline by association related to speech in business. Pt. 2

4 Outline Business dealings related to: Vs. 1-8, Integrity. Vs. 9-14, Speech. Vs. 15-23, Wisdom. Vs. 24-26, Giving. Vs. 27-32, Motivation. Outline Business dealings related to: Vs. 1-8, Integrity. Vs. 9-14, Speech. Vs. 15-23, Wisdom. Vs. 24-26, Giving. Vs. 27-32, Motivation.

5 Prov 11:11

6 Prov 11:11 This links the welfare of people inhabiting a certain location to their moral values, in this case regarding sins of the tongue versus honesty and integrity in speech.

7 If a majority of the people are operating in righteousness the city is exalted, if the majority is operating with sins of the tongue the city is torn down.

8 As the people go, so goes the city, state or nation, as those who are deemed to lead the people will too be either righteous or corrupt.

9 The Positive Scenario!

10 The Positive Scenario! A “city is exalted”, QERETH RUM, denotes the peoples’ response to a situation where righteousness consistently prevails.

11 The Contrast!

12 The Contrast! A people who collectively are filled with sin and consistently function in sins of the tongue, bring destruction to their locale and heartache to its inhabitants.

13 “Torn down” - HARAS, הָרַס The basic meaning involves the tearing down of structures. The structure in context here is not a single building but the entire city, state or nation. Cf. Gen 18-19.

14 Doctrine of the Pivot

15 Doctrine of the Pivot 1. Definition: The pivot is the accumulation of mature believers living in a client nation or under civil government in a specific geographical location.

16 As a result of the pivot God is able to bless that location with spiritual and material blessings.

17 The pivot is composed of mature believers and those positive believers who have momentum inside of God’s Plan who are marching toward or have already attained spiritual adulthood.

18 True Christian influence in the city, state or national entity is spiritual and the believer’s civil responsibility is defined under the Laws of Divine Establishment, as in Rom 13:1-10.

19 The influence of Christianity is not produced by influencing with Christian principles, but by growing in grace and establishing a pivot that has invisible historical impact.

20 Believers in the pivot stand out in contrast to believers living in the cosmic system whose motivational arrogance results in self-righteous, crusader arrogance, and or self-indulgent gratification arrogance.

21 In essence, a small pivot means a declining gentile client nation. An enlarged pivot means a wonderful, prosperous, and blessed client nation.

22 The “destruction or tearing down” (HARAS), means Divine judgment is brought against the location as noted in Lev 26:14-38

23 Hosea 4:1-14 gives us an example of a nation in decline and why a client nation is destroyed. Cf. Rev 17 ‑ 18.

24 If the pivot is large not only is the client nation delivered from historical disaster, but great blessings by association to the client nation and to all nations around it are shared.

25 Prov 29:8, “Scorners set a city aflame, but wise men turn away anger.”

26 Remember! “It’s not them, It’s US!”

27 Grace Offering Prov 3:9-10, “Honor the LORD from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; 10 So your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine.”

28 Grace Fellowship Church Sunday October 20, 2013 Tape # 13-115 Proverbs Chapter 11 Contrasting Speech Related To Business Conduct James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2013 Grace Fellowship Church Sunday October 20, 2013 Tape # 13-115 Proverbs Chapter 11 Contrasting Speech Related To Business Conduct Prov 11:9-14; 29:8; Lev 26:14-38; Hosea 4:1-14; Rom 13:1-10 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2013

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