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Generating Model Input with GIS zThe key elements for creating appropriate model inputs for rainfall- runoff models: Input parameter requirements Available.

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Presentation on theme: "Generating Model Input with GIS zThe key elements for creating appropriate model inputs for rainfall- runoff models: Input parameter requirements Available."— Presentation transcript:

1 Generating Model Input with GIS zThe key elements for creating appropriate model inputs for rainfall- runoff models: Input parameter requirements Available data sources GIS tools & functions Data formatting for model entry

2 Input data requirements for TR-55 zWatershed location zLand cover/land use zSoils – hydro group zTime of concentration  Watershed length  Watershed land slope  Flow type(s) (sheet flow, overland, channel)  Manning’s n  Channel info Channel dimensions Stream velocity zStream reach data  Length  Manning’s n  Slope  Channel dimensions zStructure data  Stormwater pond dimensions  Outlet characteristics

3 Default parameters for TR-55 zPrecipitation data (set rainfall returns) zSet event duration (24 hrs) zRainfall distribution zUnit hydrograph zCurve numbers by land use >>>Are these values or settings appropriate for my location???

4 Available data sources zUVM GIS storage: \\zoofiles\gisdata zVermont Center for Geographic Information zVermont Mapping program (ortho and aerial photos) zUVM Map library zVarious national agencies/data sources:  USGS, NWI, Census/TIGER, etc  National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse zResources constantly changing, improving, growing!

5 GIS tools & functions zGeographic extent  Selecting data  Exporting new data sets  Clipping zData projections zJoining/merging data zConversion tools  Vector to raster, raster to shape files, etc. zRaster calculations  Reclassify  Simple math functions  Tabulate areas zArc Hydro capabilities  Watershed delineation  Flow paths  Slopes

6 Data formatting for model input zSpecific file formats or structure  ASCII .dbf  Grid layers zManual entry (TR-55) zProper units !

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