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College Prep 4-16-13 SSR BUT FIRST…ANNOUNCEMENT.  Issues with iMovie and possible fixes  So, today, we have to do something else my people  We ARE.

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Presentation on theme: "College Prep 4-16-13 SSR BUT FIRST…ANNOUNCEMENT.  Issues with iMovie and possible fixes  So, today, we have to do something else my people  We ARE."— Presentation transcript:


2  Issues with iMovie and possible fixes  So, today, we have to do something else my people  We ARE NOT going to let this go…mostly because I got super excited to see your ads ANNOUNCEMENT


4  Usted necesitará un pedazo de papel TIEMPO DE SALIR BILLETE

5  Verbs: action words…words that indicate movement  By eliminating PASSIVE VOICE and reducing “to be” verbs, writers can energize action images.  Verbs of passive voice communicate no action.  Typically, passive voice verbs require the help of a “to be” verb. PAINTING WITH ACTION VERBS

6  “To be” verbs:  is  am  are  was  were  be  being  been FIRST…WHAT ARE “TO BE” VERBS

7  1. The “to-be” verbs: is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been are state of being verbs, which means that they unduly claim a degree of permanence. For example, “I am hungry.” For most Americans, hunger is only a temporary condition.  2. The “to-be” verbs claim absolute truth and exclude other views. “Classical music is very sophisticated.” Few would agree that all classical compositions are always sophisticated. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS?

8  3. The “to-be” verbs are general and lack specificity. A mother may tell her child, “Be good at school today.” The more specific “Don’t talk when the teacher talks today” would probably work better.  4. The “to-be” verbs are vague. For example, “That school is great.” Clarify the sentence as “That school has wonderful teachers, terrific students, and supportive parents.”  5. The “to-be” verbs often confuse the reader about the subject of the sentence. For example, “It was nice of you to visit.” Who or what is the “It?” WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS?

9  “The runaway horse was ridden into town by an old, white- whiskered rancher.”  “The grocery store was robbed by two armed men.”  Notice how the word “by” signals the noun performing the action. Passive voice can weaken images by freezing the action.  How could we fix these?????  Write them on your exit ticket. PASSIVE VOICE EXAMPLES

10  We swap out our “to be” verbs (“was ridden” and “was robbed”)  “The old, white-whiskered rancher rode the runaway horse into town.”  “Two armed men robbed the grocery store.” FIXES

11  Even when not used as a part of a passive voice, “to be” verbs slow the action and tend to link complements that TELL. (SHOW DON’T TELL!!!!)  We can improve our writing (“effective word choice”) when we replace as many “to be” verbs as possible.  Action verbs replace still photos with motion pictures.  “The gravel road was on the left side of the barn.”  “The gravel road curled around the left side of the barn.” MORE PASSIVE VOICE

12  Change our passive sentence into and active sentence using action verbs.  “The biker was in the air.”  Pic #1 Pic #1 OUR TURN

13  Change our passive sentence into and active sentence using action verbs.  “The car is on fire.”  Pic #2 Pic #2 OUR TURN

14  Change our passive sentence into and active sentence using action verbs.  “The cop was killed by the explosion.”  Pic #3 Pic #3 OUR TURN

15  Not ALL “to be” verbs can be eliminated…if we cannot easily replace our “to be” verb, maybe it belongs in the sentence. BUT….

16  Get rid of those “to be” verbs!!!!!  1) papers with someone  2) Search for ALL “to be” verbs  3) Circle those bad boys  4) Give the paper back (don’t change them)  5) Change those “to be” verbs unless it doesn’t violate any of our rules  I wanna hear what you came up with  So…please share your old sentence THEN your new sentence NOW LETS WORK ON OUR MINI-ESSAYS

17  Lets try to write our intros now  Remember what you did for your commercial  Try to write a tag line for your paper  RAFT your paper, but focus on your hook  On a separate sheet of paper that you will attach to your mini-essay  Stay away from the conclusion HOOKS???

18  Has technology outpaced morality?  Gunpowder  Atomic Power  The internet  Encryption DEBATE

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