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Joint Information Systems Committee Session 5: From challenge to change Enhancing assessment and feedback with technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Information Systems Committee Session 5: From challenge to change Enhancing assessment and feedback with technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Information Systems Committee Session 5: From challenge to change Enhancing assessment and feedback with technology

2 slide 2 Taking up the challenge Challenges drive us Successes inspire us Challenges drive us Successes inspire us

3 slide 3 Taking up the challenge Challenges drive us ■Let’s start a conversation about the role of technology in addressing the challenges of assessment and feedback ■We may not change anything today but the conversation can continue within your department, faculty, college or institution

4 slide 4 Examples to set you thinking Effective Assessment in a Digital Age offers : ■10 case studies of practice in different disciplinary and institutional contexts benchmarked against the 12 REAP principles (detailed versions online: ■4 video case studies of embedded practice ( ■Podcasts and a video of expert voices from the JISC Assessment Symposium ( ■A separate document (Examples) locates the case studies from the publication and others in the series under the headings of common challenges

5 slide 5 Activity: Applying technology to challenges ■Elect a table manager and scribe ■Take and read a card. Take 5 minutes to discuss your card with your group ■As a group, write your own card ■Choose the assessment and feedback challenge you want to address. (Use the Examples document to help you choose) ■Discuss what technology (combined with other strategies) can add to enhance practice ■Record your vision on the flip chart sheet ■Share and tell

6 slide 6 After the workshop Investigate other groups’ challenges and change statements on the Design Studio Contact delegates for further information Challenge to change cards can be downloaded as a PDF from the Design Studio and used in cross-faculty/ institution workshops In-depth case studies are available at Video case studies and podcasts are available. Suggested video – Enhancing graduate attributes Research Dissemination

7 slide 7 When you get back Keep talking... Inspire others...

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