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What is Stress?. STRESS  The ___________, ___________ and _____________ response of the body to any situation that is new, _____________, frightening.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Stress?. STRESS  The ___________, ___________ and _____________ response of the body to any situation that is new, _____________, frightening."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Stress?

2 STRESS  The ___________, ___________ and _____________ response of the body to any situation that is new, _____________, frightening or exciting


4 Wellness Dimension Stressors  Physical  Emotional  Social  Environmental  Spiritual  Occupational  Mental

5 What can stress affect?  _________  __________

6 Types of Stress  GOOD STRESS  ________________ Adds meaning to life, encourages pleasure, success in something we couldn’t do before  NEGATIVE STRESS  _________________  Stress that results in negative responses, can interfere with our mental, emotional and physiological limits…we may not function effectively

7 How can stress contribute to illness?

8 Personality Types  Type A  Hard-driving, urgent sense of time  ___________________  ______________________________________________ ____________________________  Insecurity over status  Inability to ______________  Aggressive, at times hostile  Higher incidence of heart disease if they express anger and hostility

9  Type B  ___________, casual, relaxed, easy-going  Take one thing at a time  Do not feel __________________________  Seldom set their own deadlines  More ___________________ goals set  Not as upset over losing or not attaining a goal

10 Hardy Personality  Type C  Remains _____________ even under extreme ______________________  Just as highly stressed as Type A, but is not at higher risk for disease  4 C’s = Challenge, ____________, Confidence and ____________


12 Stress Management  Replace stressful life with beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that promote ________, joy and __________________________  Problem-solving coping  Limit or eliminate interaction with stressor  Have _____________ in your ability to lesson stress  Be _______________________

13  Let go, give yourself a break  ________________________________  Set priorities  ___________________  Relaxation techniques/adequate sleep  Alter your perception of the stressful situation  Change your ______________________

14  View change as positive  Prepare for stressful events with a plan  Engage in ___________________________  Don’t worry about things you _________ _________  ________________________and family needs and obligations

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