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AGENDA Research & Consultancy Institute IPPA International Peace Promotion Action Transnational Meeting Limassol, 21-25 October 2009 Location: ARSINOE.

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Presentation on theme: "AGENDA Research & Consultancy Institute IPPA International Peace Promotion Action Transnational Meeting Limassol, 21-25 October 2009 Location: ARSINOE."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGENDA Research & Consultancy Institute IPPA International Peace Promotion Action Transnational Meeting Limassol, 21-25 October 2009 Location: ARSINOE BEACH HOTEL 62 Amathoundos Ave, LIMASSOL TEL:+35725321444 FAX:+357 25 329908

2 21 October 2009 – Arrival of partners 22 October 2009 09.30 Welcoming speech Welcoming speech by the hosting Partner Mr Giannoulis Christos RCI 10;15 General introduction of the work plan What is done and what else we must do. Mrs. Jurgita Kadagiene and all Partners 10.30 Break Next steps and deadlines. 13.00 Lunch Conclusion of the working day 20.00 Dinner Cultural activities Wednesday, 22 October 2009 10:30 Presentation from President of Cyprus Peace Council The peace situation in Cyprus, actions of CPC 11:30 Presentation from Lithuanian Learners: Coast Guard Irma Scebediene Coast Guard District Operational activity section specialist ‘Coast Guard of Lithuania’ Margarita Mankute Klaipeda Labour exchange Eures advisor ‘Peace topic in international and national projects’ 12.00 IPPA Practical issues Discussion about practical matters of the project. 12.30 Comments Comments by the partners All 13.00 Lunch 15:00 Visit Limassol: A walk around the city 20.00 Dinner

3 12.00 IPPA Practical issues Discussion about practical matters of the project. 12.30 Comments Comments by the partners All 13.00 Lunch 15:00 Visit Limassol: A walk around the city 20.00 Dinner Thursday 23 October 2009 Excursion to Pyla or/and Nicosia

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