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GoodAfternoon! Bell-Ringer Read page 763, and answer the Connect to Today questions 1 – 2.

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Presentation on theme: "GoodAfternoon! Bell-Ringer Read page 763, and answer the Connect to Today questions 1 – 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 GoodAfternoon! Bell-Ringer Read page 763, and answer the Connect to Today questions 1 – 2.

2 Chapter 26 Section 4 “Nineteenth- Century Progress”

3 I.Inventions Make Life Easier A. Edison the Inventor 1. more than 1,000 inventions, including light bulb & phonograph B. Bell & Marconi Revolutionize Communication 1. Alexander Graham Bell a. telephone, 1876 2. Guglielmo Marconi a. first radio, 1895 b. sent messages using Morse Code C. Ford Sparks the Automobile Industry 1. German inventors 1 st to power a vehicle, 1880s 2. Henry Ford a. standardized interchangeable parts b. assembly line to produce Model T, 1908 D. Wright Brothers Fly 1. gasoline-powered flying machine at Kitty Hawk, NC, 1903

4 II.New Ideas in Medicine A. The Germ Theory of Disease 1. Louis Pasteur, mid-1800s a. bacteria causes diseases & heat kills bacteria 2. Joseph Lister a. wash wounds with antiseptics b. keep surgical wards clean c. 85% of patients survived 3. cities built plumbing & sewer systems 4. people lived longer, healthier lives

5 III.New Ideas in Science A. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution 1. all forms of life evolved from earlier living forms 2. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection a. populations grow faster than food supply & must compete for food b. fittest survive c. theory of evolution B. Mendel and Genetics 1. Gregor Mendel a. pattern to way certain traits are inherited

6 C. Advances in Chemistry and Physics 1. John Dalton a. all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms 2. Demitri Mendeleev a. Periodic Table 3. Marie and Pierre Curie a. 2 missing elements – radium and polonium 1. radioactivity b. Nobel Prize for physics & chemistry 4. Ernest Rutherford a. atoms had a nucleus surrounded by electrons Marie Curie John Dalton

7 IV.Social Sciences Explore Behavior A. Psychology 1. the study of human mind and behavior a. Ivan Pavlov 1. human actions could be changed by training b. Sigmund Freud 1. unconscious mind drives how people think & act 2. founder of psychoanalysis B. Social Darwinism 1. only fittest survived Ivan Pavlov Sigmund Freud

8 V.The Rise of Mass Culture (the appeal of art, writing, music, & other forms of entertainment to a larger audience) A. Music Halls, Vaudeville, & Movies 1. music halls a. singers, dancers, comedians, jugglers, magicians, acrobats b. vaudeville (U.S.) 1. musical variety shows 2. movies a. black & white; lasted less than 1 min. b. early 1900s – first feature films B. Sports Entertain Millions 1. football & baseball (U.S.) 2. soccer (Europe)

9 Daily Essential Questions 1.How was harnessing electricity a key to other 19 th – century inventions? 2.Why was the germ theory an important breakthrough? 3.What was Social Darwinism?

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