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© Dhaval Bathia. Using this technique you can find out a person’s birth- date without him telling you ! Whenever you are in a party, picnic or a group-

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1 © Dhaval Bathia


3 Using this technique you can find out a person’s birth- date without him telling you ! Whenever you are in a party, picnic or a group- gathering you can impress many people using this technique You can try this stunt with your family members, friends, relatives etc.

4 © Dhaval Bathia Here are the steps : a)Ask the people to take the number of the month in which they were born (January is 1, February is 2, December is 12 and so on…) b) Next, ask them to double the number c) Add 5 to it d) Multiply it by 5 e) Put a zero behind the answer f)Add the date of birth (If a person is born on 12 th March, he must add 12) After the steps are done, ask him to tell you the final answer. And lo ! Just by listening to the final answer you can tell his date of birth !!

5 © Dhaval Bathia THE SECRET !! From the answer that you get from each member of the audience : Mentally subtract 50 from the last two digits, (the number that is left on subtracting 50 is the date on which he is born !) Subtract 2 from the remaining number. (the number that is left on subtracting 2 is the month number on which he is born) In this way you can find the birth-date of anybody

6 © Dhaval Bathia Suppose a member of the audience had his birth-date as 20 th May This is how he would have worked out the steps: (A)Take the month number = 5 (B)Double it = 10 (C) Add 5 to it = 15 (D)Multiply it by 5 = 75 (E) Put a zero behind the answer = 750 (F) Add your date of birth = 770 (750 plus 20 is 770)

7 © Dhaval Bathia Thus his answer would have been 770 Now, let us see how to deduce his date of birth from 770 7 70 - 50 From the last two digits, we subtract 50 and get the DATE as 20 From the remaining number we subtract 2 and get the MONTH as 5 Thus, the date is 20 and month is 5. It is 20 th May The technique is verified 205 2

8 © Dhaval Bathia On similar lines, if the total was 1076, 865 and 1251 the birth-dates would have been 26 th August, 15 th June and 1 st October. 10 76 - 50 26 8 2 8 65 - 50 15 6 2 12 51 - 50 0110 2 With this technique you can predict the birth-dates of hundreds of people simultaneously.

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