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The Land and Environment Court Planning Principles, Policies and Practice Notes Practice Notes - Update on practice and procedure Joanne Gray Registrar.

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Presentation on theme: "The Land and Environment Court Planning Principles, Policies and Practice Notes Practice Notes - Update on practice and procedure Joanne Gray Registrar."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Land and Environment Court Planning Principles, Policies and Practice Notes Practice Notes - Update on practice and procedure Joanne Gray Registrar

2 Land and Environment Court of NSW In January 2008 - The Court came under the provisions of the Civil Procedure Act 2005 At that time there were 5 practice notes 7 years later we have 12 Practice Notes 15 Policies 2 Practice Directions 19 sets of usual directions

3 Land and Environment Court of NSW Achieving "just, quick and cheap": Reducing the number of attendances Limiting the length of each attendance Achieving time standards between time of lodgement and when the proceedings are finalised

4 Land and Environment Court of NSW Highlight some aspects of the Practice Note - Class 1 Development Appeals Summarise key features of the two new practice notes: Practice Note - Subpoena Practices Practice Note - Urgent Applications Future developments

5 Land and Environment Court of NSW Class 1 Development Appeals Information sheet Facilitates preparation for the directions hearing Enforces presumption regarding the s34 conference Seeks information regarding expert evidence including areas of expertise and how it will be given Allows you to nominate hearing dates and whether the hearing will be in the area of the development Amended Plans Notice of motion to be filed within 10 days after the facts and circumstances that led to the amendments (par 28) Affidavit is to contain certain information (par 29)

6 Land and Environment Court of NSW New Practice Notes Practice Note - Subpoena Practices Two main aims To encourage electronic production of documents, especially production by email To remove the need for attendance at a return of subpoena

7 Land and Environment Court of NSW New Practice Notes Practice Note - Urgent Applications Outlines the role of the Duty Judge Sets out the procedure for making arrangements for an urgent application to be listed Outlines what is required when making an urgent application, including requirements for the giving of notice to the respondent

8 Land and Environment Court of NSW Future Developments Revision of the following practice notes: Practice Note - Class 1 Development Appeals Practice Note - Class 1, 2, 3 Miscellaneous Appeals Revision of the Information Sheet Improved electronic filing

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