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FPGA Co-processor for the ALICE High Level Trigger Gaute Grastveit University of Bergen Norway H.Helstrup 1, J.Lien 1, V.Lindenstruth 2, C.Loizides 5,

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Presentation on theme: "FPGA Co-processor for the ALICE High Level Trigger Gaute Grastveit University of Bergen Norway H.Helstrup 1, J.Lien 1, V.Lindenstruth 2, C.Loizides 5,"— Presentation transcript:

1 FPGA Co-processor for the ALICE High Level Trigger Gaute Grastveit University of Bergen Norway H.Helstrup 1, J.Lien 1, V.Lindenstruth 2, C.Loizides 5, D.Roehrich 3, B.Skaali 4, T.Steinbeck 2, K.Ullaland 3, A.Vestbo 3, T. Vik 4, A. Wiebalck 2 for the ALICE Collaboration 1 Bergen College, Norway 2 Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany 3 Departement of Physics, University of Bergen, Norway 4 Departement of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway 5 Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt, Germany

2 ALICE – A Large Ion Collider Experiment TPC - Time Projection Chamber

3 Very High Data Rate Pb-Pb central collisions Event rate: 200Hz Event size: ~75Mb => 15 Gbyte/s Max data-rate to tape is 1.25 Gbyte/s Compression/selection is needed Conventional, lossless methods: factor 2

4 Compress Reduce the amount of data required to encode the event as far as possible without loosing physics information Trigger Accept/reject events on the basis of physics application Select Select regions of interest within an event remove pile-up in p-p... HLT functionality Task: reconstruct the tracks of 20.000 charged particles (each producing 150 clusters) in the TPC Timebudget: 5 ms

5 The HLT setup Data are received in parallel RCU – Readout Controller Unit DDL – Data Detector Link RORC – ReadOut Reciver Card PCI kernel in the FPGA FPGA will also be utilised for pattern recognition Reduces number of CPU’s needed HLT farm

6 The HLT FPGA co-processor FPGA: APEX 20K400 Next prototype: Altera Stratix FPGA –Large internal memory –DSP cores

7 Two Schemes for Finding Tracks Low occupancy (p-p, Pb-Pb outer padrows) Conventional approach with (2d) cluster finder and track follower High occupancy (overlapping clusters): Hough transform on raw data Cluster analysis for deconvolution (Kalman filter) High multiplicity picture

8 Cluster Finder

9 The numbers represent Charge (ADC values) A vertical uninterrupted stack of numbers is called a sequence. The square shows the geometric centre of the sequence. Neighbouring sequences belong to the same Cluster. Final mean value: (Weighted mean) Pad time

10 Calculate the mean for every sequence Adjacent pads with similar means are merged Two lists of sequences are used: one for clusters on the previous pad one for clusters on the current pad Clusters are removed from the searchrange when a match is found or we know it is finished Clusters are inserted in the inputrange after merging or when we start a new cluster Inputrange / Current pad begin end insert Memory of clusters FPGA implementation of a cluster finder - the algorithm Searchrange / Previous pad

11 T Testbench Top structure DecoderFIFO (lpm)Merger seq cluster File: chargesFile: VHDL clusters RAM (lpm) Block Diagram, Verification C++ model File: C++ clusters C++ program compares the results

12 + Smaller numbers, only multiplies by <11 - Multiplication can’t be done until merging takes place As before the mean is calculated by: Relative Scales smaller DecoderFIFO (lpm) Pre_Calc (2 mult, 1 add) Merger Alternative, (absolute):

13 offon Deconvolution Simplified implementation, almost for free – splits at minima in both directions (time and pad)

14 Merger Goals spend few clock cycles per sequence use few logic elements high clockspeed

15 Cluster Finder Performance Syntesized on Altera APEX Uses 1800 Logic Elements (11%) Memory usage 16*80 + 64*112= 8448 bits (4%) Circuit runs at 33Mhz

16 Outlook Implementation of Hough transformation

17 Conclusion We have demonstrated the feasibility of a real time cluster finder implemented in an FPGA Firmware implementation of a Hough transform looks promising

18 transperacy replacements from now on

19 ALICE – A Large Ion Collider Experiment

20 TPC - Time Projection Chamber 18 sectors on each side, each sector is readout in 6 subsectors Total is ca. 570.000 pads

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