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Your Effect on Energy Sources School/program name Date.

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1 Your Effect on Energy Sources School/program name Date

2 Background Information (for facilitator) Although estimates vary, at some point our ability to use nonrenewable resources such as fossil fuels will come to an end. This is because, in the long term, nonrenewable resources are not sustainable—they will eventually run out. In the not-too-distant future we will need to make the transition to renewable resources. In the meantime, we will need to develop strategies for using a combination of nonrenewable and renewable resources if we are to avoid a potentially catastrophic energy crisis. In addition, the use of some resources, such as fossil fuels and nuclear energy have long lasting impact on the earth. The processes used to remove the fossil fuels from their locations in the earth can cause environmental issues and care must be taken to avoid them. The burning of fossil fuels cause gasses and pollution that effect our atmosphere. Nuclear energy burns clean and does not harm the environment, but the wastes produced are highly radioactive and have to be carefully handled and disposed of. Today, many scientists and engineers are working on forms of alternative energy. For some, the reason for the need is driven by the impending lack of resources. For others, it is the wish for cleaner, safer fuel. Some are even motivated by reducing our dependence on other nations for our source of fuel. While we are not ready to fully be free of our need for fossil fuels and nuclear energy, we are seeing successes with the use of alternatives such as solar, wind and electrical energies.

3 Agenda Opening (30 minutes) Setting the Stage: The Issues With Fossil Fuels (30 minutes) Cyber Investigation: Global Warming (40 minutes) Break (15 minutes) Activity: The Greenhouse Effect (30 minutes) Activity: The Future of Energy (30 minutes) Lunch (30 minutes) Recess: Hula Hoop Relay (30 minutes) STEM-tastic Careers (30 minutes) Virtual Lab: How Big IS Your Footprint? (45 minutes) Mind Snacks (15 minutes) STEM-tastic Friday Celebration Preparation (30 minutes) STEM Camp Notebook Reflection (30 minutes) STEM-tastic Friday Celebration with Parents (60 minutes)

4 Learning Objectives To understand how the use of some resources, such as fossil fuels has an effect on the environment To explain what is meant by carbon footprint To explore the consequences of the current balance of renewable and nonrenewable resources used To investigate promising future renewable energy technologies

5 Today’s Vocabulary Global Warming Natural Resource Nonrenewable Resource Renewable Resource

6 Setting the Stage: The Issue With Fossil Fuels

7 What are the issues with Fossil Fuels? Video: Industrialization, Fossil Fuels and Global Warming

8 Cyber Investigations

9 Activity: Greenhouse Effect

10 Activity: The Future of Energy

11 Given that we must continue to rely on nonrenewable energy resources for the foreseeable future, what should we do to minimize their harmful effects?

12 STEMtastic Careers

13 Virtual Lab

14 Mind Snacks

15 STEMtastic Friday Celebration Preparation

16 Notebook Reflection How will you use what you have learned about energy resources to make a difference in your home? School? Community? What are your hopes for the future of renewable energy resources?

17 STEMtastic Friday Celebration

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