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List the three branches of American government. Next to each branch, list what it does.

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Presentation on theme: "List the three branches of American government. Next to each branch, list what it does."— Presentation transcript:

1 List the three branches of American government. Next to each branch, list what it does.

2 Governments of US and Canada

3 Government Systems of the United States and Canada The United States has a Presidential system of government Canada has a Parliamentary political system

4 Presidential System of Government People have the power democratically in their ability to vote for leadership and representation – Head of state is a President – Legislative body exists Separation of Powers – Executive Branch – Legislative Branch – Judicial Branch

5 Legislative Branch People elect others to represent them in the Legislature Prevents the President from having complete and total power Congress is bicameral – Has 2 houses

6 Congress Speaker of the House: was John Boehner President of the Senate (VP): Joe Biden

7 Powers of Congress Creating and Passing Laws Taxes and Government Spending War Elections of President Investigating / Impeaching President

8 Executive Branch Consists of President, Vice President, and board of advisors (Cabinet) President and V.P. elected by people through the Electoral College – Elected for 4 year terms, may only serve 2

9 Presidential Powers Makes Treaties/ Agreements with other nations Military Affairs Legislative Powers Judicial Powers Power of Recognition

10 Judicial Branch Determines if laws made by President and Congress are Constitutional or not 9 Supreme Court Justices

11 Checks and Balances Each branch has a responsibility to watch over the other branches. – This guarantees that no branch gains too much power.

12 Activity Draw a diagram representing the three branches of government. – Your diagram must include: Who is included in the branch Information on what each branch does One way that each branch checks the others Beneath your diagram, write one paragraph explaining which branch of the American government system you think is the most important.

13 Write as many facts about Canada as you can.

14 Parliamentary Government

15  Most common form of government  Executive Branch and Legislative Branch are tied together  Executive chosen by Parliament  Head of state exists (mostly for tradition)

16 1.Parliament of representatives chosen by electorate 2.Bills passed in parliament are law (no one has veto power) 3.Executive Branch consists of Prime Minister and his/her Cabinet- a group put together to help the Prime Minister make sound decisions Characteristics of a Parliamentary System

17 4.Executive Branch can claim ‘no confidence’ in Parliament; dissolve Parliament; and call for new elections 5.Parliament can also claim ‘no confidence’ in the Prime Minister and call for a new election Characteristics of a Parliamentary System

18  Purely symbolic figure  Often a monarch  Ceremonial and symbolic leader Heads of State

19  Leaders chosen by majority party  If not clear majority party, a coalition is formed and a compromise reached to choose the leaders  Cabinet must be able to control what is going on in Parliament. The Cabinet

20  Head of State of Canada is the Queen of England  Head of State recognized in Parliament through the Governor General- this person sits in on Parliamentary sessions  Signs off on all laws Canada’s Head of State

21  Advises the Governor General on issues brought to Parliament  Selected by the Governor General as the person with the most confidence of the people  Most often is the leader of the dominant political party  Current P.M.- Justin Trudeau Canada’s Prime Minister

22  Legislature divided into two houses  Senate has 105 members who are elected by the Governor General  Divided equally off of geographic regions  House of Commons has 308 members elected by the people Canada’s Parliament

23  Senators are elected and stay in their position til they are 75.  Can step down when they want  They must own at least $4,000 worth of property to be eligible for election.  Take a lesser stance on laws for the people because they are not your ‘average’ Canadian. Canada’s Senate

24  Members are elected and positions held until Parliament is dissolved.  Focuses on bills and taxes  Dominant power- since they are more closely linked with the people of Canada Canada’s House of Commons

25 Today’s Activity Create a graphic organizer on Canada’s Parliamentary system. Who is in the branch What the branch does What type of power they have over each other? Fill out a Venn Diagram comparing the governments of Canada and the United States.

26 Today’s Activity Create a graphic organizer on Canada’s Parliamentary system. Fill out a Venn Diagram comparing the governments of Canada and the United States. Then for each government system create a Pros/Cons Chart. Pros Cons

27 1.Power is unified under a majority party so government can respond quickly and decisively. 2.The lines of responsibility and accountability very clear. Advantages of Parliamentary System

28 1.Few protections for a minority who feels wronged 2.May produce a very unstable government Disadvantages of Parliamentary System

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