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You Are Not Interlibrary Alone Results From an ILL Staffing Survey Emerging Leaders 2008: Group O You Are Not Interlibrary Alone Results From an ILL Staffing.

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Presentation on theme: "You Are Not Interlibrary Alone Results From an ILL Staffing Survey Emerging Leaders 2008: Group O You Are Not Interlibrary Alone Results From an ILL Staffing."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Are Not Interlibrary Alone Results From an ILL Staffing Survey Emerging Leaders 2008: Group O You Are Not Interlibrary Alone Results From an ILL Staffing Survey Emerging Leaders 2008: Group O  Design and conduct a survey focused on how interlibrary loan (ILL) operations are staffed in different sizes and types of libraries.  A possible part 2 (or 3) of the project could be to design a "databank" for the survey results that would allow interested persons to search for data relevant to their library environment.  Although ILL workload significantly increased during the years, the pay of interlibrary loan employees relative to other employees in their library stayed at about the same level.  The overall morale is about the same as other library employees.  Most ILL employees have some training opportunities. Training for many is limited by lack of funds, low staffing levels, and, in some cases, by lack of interest.  Interlibrary Loan is most frequently used in the job title, followed by Document Delivery, and Access Services.  Majority of ILL activities are located in a separate department.  Borrowing, on-campus Document Delivery, and Document Delivery to distance learners are the most common ILL services.  32% of the surveyed libraries processed more than 10,000 transactions during the most current year..  The very nature of interlibrary loan (borrowing old, rare, & esoteric items) just makes it more FUN!  When I retire…I can't imagine that I'll be replaced. I think they'll just cut services.  We are far busier than other departments. There is a feeling that we are working harder for the same money.  Growing need for ILL as a result of reduced materials budgets  Dramatically decreased student staffing thanks to ILLiad  We should rely on staff members rather than only student workers. March 15 – Survey details in place April 4 - Survey officially opened 1,033 May 5 - Survey officially closed. 1,033 responses received May 6 – Begin to analyze data June 1 – Begin poster June 15 – Finish/print poster June 26 – Annual! PROJECT TIMELINE WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT ILL STAFFING YOU ARE NOT ALONE VOICE OF ILL STAFF RESPONDENTS CONTACT US Linda Shippert: Bethany Sewell: Ying Zhong: A GLOBAL VIEW ILL Qualifications:  Attention To Detail  Computer Skills  Time Management Skills  Service Oriented  Flexible  Reference Skills  Curiosity To Solve Mysteries… Mentor: William Gee : All types of ILL transactions have both increased in the past 10 years and are expected to increase in the next 10 years. ILL staff and librarians attribute increases to:  Increasing patron base  Better holdings information in WorldCat/OCLC  Loss of local collections due to budget cuts  Expansion of distance programs  Increased ease of requesting  Electronic delivery of articles  Increasing awareness of the service and of resources  Participation in consortia  Addition of new services (such as document delivery) TRANSACTION LEVELS INCREASING

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