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Janine Young Energy & Water Ombudsman New South Wales Utilities IDR/EDR Mystery Box 25 th Annual SOCAP Australia International Symposium Monday 17 August.

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Presentation on theme: "Janine Young Energy & Water Ombudsman New South Wales Utilities IDR/EDR Mystery Box 25 th Annual SOCAP Australia International Symposium Monday 17 August."— Presentation transcript:

1 Janine Young Energy & Water Ombudsman New South Wales Utilities IDR/EDR Mystery Box 25 th Annual SOCAP Australia International Symposium Monday 17 August 2015

2 What’s in the Mystery Box? Agenda SOCAP workshop suggestions Industry workshop suggestions My take on those suggestions One hypothesis Eight thought provokers Two types of organisations Three takeaway initiatives

3 SOCAP workshop suggestions Discuss trends, ideas, policy issues, case studies Facilitate a discussion around topical issues with regard to: o handling of complaints o sharing information about the industry o current issues – that you consider important and beneficial for the sector regarding state & national issues.

4 Industry workshop suggestions Thoughts of application of new standards to our industry Some case studies of where retailers have done something well and different that could be shared across industry Ideas on how we can stop back and forth between retailers and Ombudsman offices How can retailers and Ombudsman schemes work better to close complaints more quickly or first time and have the outcome stick Credit repair agencies – better ways of managing these complaints

5 My take on those suggestions …… Mismatch between both suggestions, therefore I have attempted to devise a workshop that will challenge us all and lead to innovative thought How have I approached this? o By establishing an hypothesis about IDR and EDR What’s the objective of the workshop? o To identify at least three initiatives for each of US to take away that will improve our role / our organisation!

6 In a perfect world, company dispute resolution teams and ombudsman offices would not exist. One Hypothesis

7 Eight thought provokers (a) 1.Is the purpose of our work aimed at doing ourselves out of a job? 2.We, IDR and EDR, are all part of the same system, dealing with dissatisfied customers, so how do we make this system more effective to prevent further complaints? 3.What does it mean to be a good complaint handler/ dispute resolver in your organisation? 4.How do internal complaints end up in your team; where should they have been resolved – what preempted that can occur?

8 Eight thought provokers (b) 5.Are we a safety net or a safety valve? 6.How should we add value to the organisation overall; what does that value look like? 7.Do you have power / authority to bring change to your organisation? 8.What is your next career step / what can dispute resolution lead to?

9 Two types of organisations?

10 Three take away initiatives What will you do additionally / differently when you return to your organisation? What should I do?

11 CONTACT US Freecall1800 246 545 Freefax1800 812 291 FreepostReply Paid 86550 Sydney South NSW 1234 ewonsw ewonsw Interpreter services 13 14 50 TIS

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