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1 James N. Bellinger University of Wisconsin-Madison 2-February-2011 Status and Plans for Endcap Hardware Alignment James N. Bellinger 2-February-2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 James N. Bellinger University of Wisconsin-Madison 2-February-2011 Status and Plans for Endcap Hardware Alignment James N. Bellinger 2-February-2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 James N. Bellinger University of Wisconsin-Madison 2-February-2011 Status and Plans for Endcap Hardware Alignment James N. Bellinger 2-February-2011

2 2 DCOPS Sensors with Laser James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2010 Laser DCOPS A crosshair laser (a pair of lasers each shining through a cylindrical lens) illuminates each of the DCOPS in turn along the line

3 3 Stability and Precision James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 mm Time (seconds in epoch) Position of Transfer Line 1 ME+3 Radial Offset wrt ideal center Loose quality cuts The DCOPS system is capable of good precision. Individual events show variation in fit, especially with relaxed quality cuts, but the averages show appropriate stability. The question of whether the floor was sagging under our disks was answered quickly: Variation with time is less than 100µ

4 4 R-  Hand Fit Residuals (offsets) for SLM Lines ME+/-2,3, B = 0 4 Agreement between hand fit and PG data is about of 0.5 mm PG data is good enough to validate COCOA fit. 2/14/2016 O.Prokofiev Prokofiev 2010 Fit=blue, PG=red Fit tracks PG closely mm

5 5 Z-Bending consistent ME2/3 and with ANSYS FEA and ME1 SLM1 SLM2 SLM3 B=3.8T June 16, 2009 5 CSC & DPG Meeting - S. Guragain Samir 2009 ANSYS ests YE1 ests

6 6 Validation: SLM Compare 0T fits to photogrammetry: RMS of order 1mm in X or Y in SLM We believe we can do better than that: Oleg’s work shown earlier James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 930µ Δx CMS

7 7 Transfer Lines James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 Local coords Measure relative disk shift and rotation Axial lasers link the DCOPS on transfer plates from disk to disk Fit each of the 6 laser lines in its two local coordinates: “radial” and “tangent” For a station plot residual vs line # and fit for a sine+constant. The amplitude is the disk shift, the phase tells the direction of shift and the constant (for the tangent fit) is the Z-rotation ∙ radius

8 8 Transfer Line Fit Residuals Measure Disk Shifts, Z-rotations James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 YE2 is shifted wrt YE3 by 4.5mm in 130º direction. Z-rotation is.4mrad YE1 is shifted wrt YE3 by 4.9mm in 205º direction. Z-rotation is.5mrad YE2 (tangent)YE2 (radial) YE1 (tangent) Failed to reconstruct Both ME+3 and ME+2 plotted Residual (mm)

9 9 Transfer Lines Transfer Lines connects – Endcaps – Barrel MABs YB2: measured by Link and Barrel YB0: only measured by Barrel Compare relative positions of MABs Give Endcap Transfer Points positions in space wrt the Link MABs James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 Gives each Transfer Line 2 fixed points in space

10 10 Plans Hardware – The Minus side Link disk is now in the proper location, and their analysis is in progress! The mislocation was a major handicap in last year’s analysis. Software Integration James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

11 11 Hardware Work by Xiaofeng Repair broken picomotors Repair accessible broken DCOPS Align Transfer Line lasers for 0T – get good data (this time!) Verify all SLM lasers after T1 installation Dismount/remount ME4/PT5 lasers/DCOPS for disk moving James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 DONE

12 12 Hardware Plans Realign Transfer Line lasers to estimated positions for 3.8T (next week) When we have a long “technical stop” (not feasible at this time) – Fix broken DCOPS (inaccessible for now) – Align SLM for 3.8T instead of current compromise Replace transfer line laser James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

13 13 Software Plans: Barrel Twist Barrel hardware alignment and barrel tracking don’t agree: 4mm relative “twist” end to end James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 There is also a compression in Z, but Endcap studies have no sensitivity to MAB Z TB=track-based HW=HardWare

14 14 Resolving the Barrel Twist What part of the barrel twist is real? – Barrel/Link hardware measurements are consistent with each other – Tracking fits are consistent with each other Transfer Line measures outer end of MABs – Can fix MABs relative to each other – Can align MABs to Endcaps and look for shifts – Independent check James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

15 15 Software Projects Consistency check for calibration numbers Wisconsin Revisit the Transfer Line fit—MAB model has a problem Wisconsin Validate Cocoa fitter with an alternative fit to SLM (in progress) Wisconsin James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

16 16 Integration Plans New tracking model by Pivarski under test Integrates relative chamber positions from SLM fits (4 chambers per SLM) as a weighted constraint in the overall fit. Florida Tech James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

17 17 Automation of Processing Most of the machinery for Cocoa processing is in place and tested on lxplus – Partition data into parallel sets – Merge link information – Process Cocoa, retrieve information and generate XML fragment No substitute for a human reviewing the events—DQM doesn’t catch everything Event transfer isn’t automatic yet. TBD Inserting Link fit information isn’t automatic yet. TBD James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

18 18 Summary Hardware: – aside from a few DCOPS the system is working, will be ready for 3.8T next week Software: – SLM processing machinery—in place – Transfer Line to test barrel twist—in progress – Integration of hardware fit in tracking—under test James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

19 19 James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 BACKUP

20 20 Disk Sagging James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 Poor profile No sign of sagging. Small changes with initial turnon. Equal time intervals not equally populated

21 21 ANSYS Figure James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

22 22 26 Feb 2008 - S. Guragain 22 Accuracy Checks with DCOPS Evaluate the following discrepancies: For DCOPS targets in all 3 dimensions: Δx = x PG – x reco, Δy = y PG – y reco, Δz = z PG – z reco If all were “perfect”, we’d expect Gaussians: centered at 0  =  PG   reco = 300  m  250  m = 400  m Δx CMS Δy CMS Δz CMS Samir, 2008 430µ 930µ 1090µ

23 23 Fits for ME+3 and ME+2 Tangent Direction of Transfer Lines James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

24 24 More Software Projects: Search for Twist Hybrid tracking + hardware reconstruction Predict where chambers are – Defines DCOPS positions SLM reconstruction gives Transfer Plate (rphi only) TP rphi for ME2 and ME3 gives base for projecting Transfer Lines into MAB Compare Plus and Minus projections into MABs, look for twist James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

25 25 Look for Evidence for Twist in Offsets James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011 If twist is real, should see offset in projections into MAB Extrapolate line

26 26 Compromises SLM lasers only adjustable when field off Time-consuming to realign these Selected a compromise alignment that could be tested in 0T and still work in 3.8T – Not ideal for either James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

27 27 Z Sensors Two limited-effort attempts to get the Z- sensor model working failed. We use a differential approach instead. – Assume Z from assembly survey is correct and calculate Transfer Plate positions – Use change in Z-sensor from 0T to 3.8T to predict the change in Transfer Plate positions Not urgent enough to redirect already insufficient manpower to solve the problem. James N. Bellinger 2-Feb-2011

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