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Date: 25 Sep 12 Presented by: Steve Watts Team Leader Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center Presented to: MRL Government /

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Presentation on theme: "Date: 25 Sep 12 Presented by: Steve Watts Team Leader Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center Presented to: MRL Government /"— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: 25 Sep 12 Presented by: Steve Watts Team Leader Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center Presented to: MRL Government / Industry Workshop UNCLASSIFIED Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD contractors only; Critical Technology; August 2001. Other requests for this document shall be referred to the U.S. Army RDECOM, ATTN: RDMR-SEP. MRL Deskbook Section 6 Contract Language MRL Deskbook Section 6 Contract Language

2 UNCLASSIFIED 2 Yourfilename.ppt Task Review Section 6 “Applying MRLs in Contract Language” MRL Deskbook, version V2.01, dated Jul 11 Determine if templates for Section L, Section M, SOO, and SOW are adequate Provide any recommended changes Task assigned to Air Force, Navy, and Army members that implement these requirements in contracts (“the magnificent three”) –Army – Steve Watts –Air Force – Dave Karr –Navy – Brent Gordon

3 UNCLASSIFIED 3 Yourfilename.ppt Summary of Recommended Changes Target vs. Required MRL –Change "required" to "target" MRLs (several places) General clean-up for clarity and readability –Where the Deskbook provides a sample paragraph - make it italic and 1 paragraph Section 6.3 –change wording to SOO "and/or SOW" (some services don't use SOOs). Section L –3 lines that use auto spacing (make consistent with rest of document) –Delete reference to specific Deskbook version (reference website only) –Delete reference to MMP (too overwhelming for RFP) - address general approach Section M –Eliminate the example (add statement to follow rating procedure in SSEB Plan) –Additional wording in sample paragraph. SOW Section –Add checklist of typical items to address –Still provide sample paragraph (with a few adjustments)

4 UNCLASSIFIED 4 Yourfilename.ppt SOW Checklist Checklist of the typical requirements to be addressed in the SOW Contractor shall support assessments of Manufacturing Readiness Assessment conducted using MRL Deskbook as a guide ( Identify timing of assessment or assessments Identify target MRL Government led review of prime, Prime led review of suppliers (using MRL Deskbook as a guide) Selection of suppliers using MRL Deskbook Section 4.3 as a guide Manufacturing Maturation Plan (MMP) for all criteria not at target MRL Contractor provide status at all Program Reviews Ensure appropriate language is in place to adequately support the efforts identified in the threads

5 UNCLASSIFIED 5 Yourfilename.ppt Word Document (with Track Changes) Attached is the Section 6 Word Document with “Track Changes” This attachment has been updated to incorporate comments provided at the 22 May 12 and 24 Jul 12 MRL Working Group meetings

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