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Practicum-Based Learning Environments: The Combination of Direct Instruction and Video Games Jessica L Barron, Ed.D Pennsylvania Highlands Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Practicum-Based Learning Environments: The Combination of Direct Instruction and Video Games Jessica L Barron, Ed.D Pennsylvania Highlands Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practicum-Based Learning Environments: The Combination of Direct Instruction and Video Games Jessica L Barron, Ed.D Pennsylvania Highlands Community College

2 Overview  Video Games and Learning  Practicum Based Learning Environment  Discussion/Practice  References  Video Games and Learning  Practicum Based Learning Environment  Discussion/Practice  References

3 “Instructional gaming is defined, in a basic sense, as any overt instructional or learning format that involves competition and is rule- guided.” Dempsey, J. V. (1994)

4 Video Games and Learning Sasha BarabJames Paul Gee Kurt Squire

5 Video Games and Learning Video Games allow players (and learners) to:  Collaborate with their peers and create complex “ social norms ”  Set goals, which raise self efficacy  Learn by viewing models of situations  Develop interest and motivation to learn  Use technology efficiently and effectively Video Games allow players (and learners) to:  Collaborate with their peers and create complex “ social norms ”  Set goals, which raise self efficacy  Learn by viewing models of situations  Develop interest and motivation to learn  Use technology efficiently and effectively

6 Video Games and Learning Common gaming mechanics that mimic educational techniques  Auto-Dynamic Difficulty  Technique and skill acquisition  Leveling and Scaffolding Common gaming mechanics that mimic educational techniques  Auto-Dynamic Difficulty  Technique and skill acquisition  Leveling and Scaffolding

7 Video Games and Learning MineCraft Portal 2 SimCity

8 Video Games and Learning MineCraft English Language Learners Mathematics, Science, Geography Computer Programming Humanities Instructional Technology Portal 2 Physics Math Chemistry Game Design Language Arts SimCity Economics Politics Zoning and City Development Pollution Challenge Culture and Ethics wiki/Teaching_with_MinecraftEdu es/71346.html

9 “One of the biggest challenges in teaching science, technology, engineering, and math is capturing the students’ imaginations long enough for them to see all of the possibilities that lie ahead.” Learn With Portals, 2011

10 Practicum Based Learning Environment Direct Instruction & Video Games Direct Instruction:  Teaching model that can describe the set-up of most traditional based classrooms  Lectures, case studies and demonstrations  Relay information to the learners in a structured and fast paced environment  Chang and Fisher describe traditional classrooms as students progressing through their educational career following a cookie- cutter instructional set Direct Instruction:  Teaching model that can describe the set-up of most traditional based classrooms  Lectures, case studies and demonstrations  Relay information to the learners in a structured and fast paced environment  Chang and Fisher describe traditional classrooms as students progressing through their educational career following a cookie- cutter instructional set

11 Practicum Based Learning Environment Direct Instruction & Video Games “Content, pedagogy, and technology. The interaction of these bodies of knowledge, both theoretically and in practice, produces the types of flexible knowledge needed to successfully integrate technology use into teaching.” ~Koehler & Mishra, 2009 Technological Knowledge Content Knowledge Pedagogical Knowledge TPCK TCK PCK TPK

12 Practicum Based Learning Environment Direct Instruction & Video Games How to enhance the learning experience with Video Games:  Examine the content and context of the lesson  Choose a pedagogical technique suited for the learning environment to give base knowledge  Analyze and choose a video game that will match the lesson presented How to enhance the learning experience with Video Games:  Examine the content and context of the lesson  Choose a pedagogical technique suited for the learning environment to give base knowledge  Analyze and choose a video game that will match the lesson presented

13 Discussion/Practice

14 Barab, S. A., Gresalfi, M., Arici, A., Pettyjohn, P., & Ingram-Goble, A. (2010). Transformative play: games as 21st century curriculum. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2, 93-100. Barron, L. J. (2015). Comparison of a Video Game Based Learning Environment and a Traditional Learning Environment (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (3719622) Chang, V. S. & Fisher, D. (2001). The validation and application of a new learning environment instrument to evaluate online learning in higher education. In Australian Association for Research in Education conference, May 2, 2001, Fremantle, West Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. Deyenberg, J. (2010, May 14). SimCity – Teaching Local Government and Civics [Web log post]. Retrieved from References

15 Gee, J.P (2005) Learning by Design: good video games as learning machines, E-Learning and Digital Media, 2(1), 5-16. GlassLab. (2014). Psychometric Considerations in Game-based Assessment [White paper].Retrieved from Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge?Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1). Retrieved from Squire, K. (2007). Games, learning, and society: Building a field. Educational Technology, 4(5), 51-54 References

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