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Urological Tumour Group National Perspective Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios.

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Presentation on theme: "Urological Tumour Group National Perspective Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urological Tumour Group National Perspective Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

2 Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Network 2014/20152015/2016 Commercial Non- Commercial TotalRankCommercial Non- Commercial TotalRank East Midlands544545071214916111 Eastern8810011089273743815 Greater Manchester7034741794711115812 Kent, Surrey and Sussex234504736224875091 North East and North Cumbria21321042381601643246 North Thames288048323263663924 North West Coast4528432913232152388 North West London44301345120127 14 South London72103511071283974253 South West Peninsula5732938611212032249 Thames Valley and South Midlands329429714313013313 Wessex4434438810 20221210 West Midlands14620634562963027 West of England1227428615710911615 Yorkshire and Humber667177834394494882 Urological Tumour Group National Perspective Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

3 Urological Tumour Group Open Commercial Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H CANC - 3577 - PRIME - PRostate Imaging for Margin Evaluation000005000000000 CANC - 3742 - REASSURE701119001013000004 CANC - 4362 - CICERO: Cystoscopic Imaging Collection and Enhancement pROject00001230000000000 NCRN - 2484 / SPARTAN - ARN-509 in non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate ca1066009020003102 NCRN - 2835: Patterns of Care and Outcomes of Men with Prostate Cancer000080004000003 NCRN - 3012 Olaparib/placebo + abiraterone in mCRPC following prior treatment with docextaxel005000000100000 NCRN - 3089 Radium-223 in patients with bone predominant metastatic CRPC000001307000000 NCRN - 3312 - MPDL3280A VS Chemotherapy in UROTHELIAL Bladder Cancer41001231006233324 NCRN428 BiopSave - Validation of a novel proteomic blood test for prostate ca diagnosis00004910000000000 NCRN452 - registry of pts with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate ca00106170049020114023130139 NCRN456 - DCVAC / Pca vs Placebo in Prostate Cancer033431600000050 NCRN541 - Abiraterone with Different Steroid Regimens in Prostate Cancer0000000011000400 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

4 Urological Tumour Group Open Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H 18F-D4-FCH in MIBC000000070000000 ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE00000000582000000 ADIUVO000000000000100 AdUP: AdNRGM; VDEPT + GMCSF in locally recurrent prostate cancer000000000000300 A-PREDICT0426071013600005 CALIBER002510000503100 CaNCaP02 - CAmbridge Neoadjuvant CAncer of the Prostate Study 20160000000000000 CANTATA000100000500401 DELINEATE00000000154000000 DIRECTS0000000010000000 EAGLE study00019000000000080 Effect of Sulforaphane on prostate CAncer PrEvention (ESCAPE)0490000000000000 ENZAMET000000000600000 FIESTA0000000000000014 FORECAST - Focal Recurrent Assessment and Salvage Treatment0000046000000000 Genetics of Papillary Kidney Cancer3643122360291504699017 HYBRID0120002 09000001 Hyperthermia for Intermediate risk bladder cancer (HIVEC-II)023131229201900800 IDEAL00000000113000000 Immunotherapy for prostate cancer000000003000000 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

5 Urological Tumour Group Open Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H IMPACT31331140453024571454539912151768 Impact of Zoledronic acid and IL2 on gamma delta T cells0000000022000000 INDEX0000013402433025260250 JAVA-P000000000000020 LOCATE000006000000000 MARBLE0000170000000000 MARS (formerly Microbiota & Radiotherapy (M & RT) Study)00000000135000000 MELCAP0000025000000000 METformin And Longevity (METAL)000000002000000 MR Elastography assessment of renal tissue biomechanics000000007000000 NEOBLADE0000001700003001 PANTERA0000000000000019 PART - Partial prostate Ablation versus Radical prosTatectomy0000000000110000 PATCH543265864321998805403214282 Patient reported outcomes in prostate cancer radiotherapy316301705400230001600 Pazopanib in patients with renal cancer (PaZ02)4901132002015136 PET /MRI preRadiOtherapy for PostProstatectomy000000006000000 POUT65741772271110919713 ProCAID000000001009000 PROGENY0000048000000000 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

6 Urological Tumour Group Open Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H PROMIS Prostate MRI Imaging Study (MRC PR11)000370322039036018404437 ProMPT0292800247000001073000500 PROMPTS57902010300012708312 ProSpare II0000000037000000 RADICALS (MRC PR10)13719519622732176995028014954124335147299 RE-AKT0000000010000000 REASURE (Radium-223: Evaluation of Activity and SUrrogate REsponse)020000003000000 SAPROCAN: Saracatnib and docetaxel in met, cast-ref prostate cancer0510 0480 571401312 Shed tumour cells in bladder cancer00220000000000016 SMART TARGET (Biopsy Study)0000076000000000 STAMPEDE32328653357328144765341327428242411854224517 STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer225116818473712610034712141 SURAB000000002000000 Surtime - EORTC 30073000003000000020 The Late CT Study0410130000157000000 The Leeds Testicular Cancer Study000001430009704600397 The PACE Study073000000157000000 The PHOTO Trial0001024201030133005 The PROFILE Study0000000033000000 The UK Genetics of Testicular Cancer Study4844751842806271232994446931331982463838301238 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

7 Urological Tumour Group Open Studies Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Study EM E GM KSS NE&NC NT NWC NWL SL SWP TV&SM Wes WM WoE Y&H TOPARP0010001047010002 TOTEM: Trial of Temsirolimus for Advanced Cancers0110000000000000 Tractomap - MRI with DTI tractography to road-map prostatic neurovascular bundles0000000100000000 TUXEDO000000600000900 UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study6516898047712398263963526047473643428962503818 Understanding Consequences0000000000020000 VinCaP004002202200000 VoxTox - Linking radiation dose at the voxel level with toxicity07080000000000000 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

8 Skin Tumour Group SWP Recruitment Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

9 Skin Tumour Group SWP Recruitment Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 23/10/15 Trust 2014/20152015/2016 Commercial Non- Commercial TotalCommercial Non- Commercial Total Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust 5232821113 Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust 21355663238 Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust 075 22830 Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust 094 18687 Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust 23557872936 Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust 8273531417 Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 020 033 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

10 AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT AZD081DC00008 Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer 16081CommercialPHNT Pascoe, Dr Sarah 30-Jun-1521-72 AZD081DC00008 Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer 16081CommercialSDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 01-Jun-1540-135 CANC - 4381 PREMISE18961CommercialRCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 20-Jul-17100 CANC - 4381 PREMISE18961CommercialSDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 30-Jul-17100-6 GO29294 AntiPDL1 Bladder Cancer Phase III18174CommercialRCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 03-Aug-16217 GO29294 AntiPDL1 Bladder Cancer Phase III18174CommercialRD&E Srinivasan, Dr Rajaguru 15-Jun-1850-11 Janssen Prostate Study - CANC - 4225 - JNJ56021927+Abiraterone Acetate+Prednisone VS Abiraterone Acetate+Prednisone in mCRPC 18838CommercialPHNT Natale, Mr Salvatore 20-Dec-185110 NCRN 2630 Bayer 16507 Standard dose versus higher and extended dose of Radium 223 in CRPC. 16327CommercialT&S Graham, Dr John 16-Jun-1685-3 NCRN45213556CommercialNDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-Dec-151210-7 NCRN45213556CommercialPHNT Pascoe, Dr Sarah 26-Mar-182040149 Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

11 AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT Add-Aspirin Trial18067 Non- Commercial RCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 01-Jul-203250-6 A-PREDICT12404 Non- Commercial PHNT Highley, Dr Martin 01-Sep-1446-7 CALIBER17640 Non- Commercial RD&E McGrath, Mr John 31-Jan-187550 CANTATA13741 Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 29-Feb-164546 CANTATA13741 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 28-Feb-1660-73 COMPARe study: COMparing treatment options for ProstAte canceR 10355 Non- Commercial RCHT Thomson, Dr Alastair 30-Jun-15105-78 ENZAMET18429 Non- Commercial RCHT Thomson, Dr Alastair 01-Oct-2010650 Hyperthermia for Intermediate risk bladder cancer (HIVEC-II) 15853 Non- Commercial PHNT Hunter Campbell, Mr Paul 08-Dec-1710851 IMPACT4214 Non- Commercial PHNT Brewer, Dr Carole 01-Apr-15310220 IMPACT4214 Non- Commercial RD&E Brewer, Dr Carole 31-Dec-16203697 Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

12 AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT Pazopanib in patients with renal cancer (PaZ02)11827 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 31-Aug-162239 POUT11494 Non- Commercial NDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-Jan-17153-53 POUT11494 Non- Commercial RCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 03-Jul-17103-31 POUT11494 Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 30-May-1792-43 POUT11494 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 30-May-17328 POUT11494 Non- Commercial T&S Varughese, Dr Mohini 31-Dec-1741-32 PROMIS Prostate MRI Imaging Study (MRC PR11)9941 Non- Commercial T&S Burns-Cox, Mr Nick 31-Oct-154535-19 PROMPTS13129 Non- Commercial NDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 30-Jun-15150-111 PROMPTS13129 Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 01-Dec-173483 PROMPTS13129 Non- Commercial T&S Graham, Dr John 31-Dec-17103-20 Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

13 AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial NDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 30-Jun-15104-64 RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial PHNTSells, Mr Henry01-May-201021149 RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial RCHT Wheatley, Dr Duncan 30-Jun-1591451 RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial RD&E Srinivasan, Dr Rajaguru 30-Jun-162252146 RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 30-Jun-162018 RADICALS (MRC PR10)1762 Non- Commercial T&S Varughese, Dr Mohini 30-Jun-154534-29 SAPROCAN: Saracatnib and docetaxel in met, cast-ref prostate cancer 11180 Non- Commercial RD&E Srinivasan, Dr Rajaguru 15-Feb-1664-13 SAPROCAN: Saracatnib and docetaxel in met, cast-ref prostate cancer 11180 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 30-Apr-1531-102 Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

14 AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrust Investigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT Stampede1409 Non- Commercial NDHCT Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-Dec-17827267 Stampede1409 Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-Dec-2011916876 Stampede1409 Non- Commercial SDHCFT Lydon, Dr Anna 31-Dec-1560120102 Stampede1409 Non- Commercial T&S Graham, Dr John 01-Jun-1966114106 Stampede1409 Non- Commercial YDH Sparrow, Dr Geoff 31-Dec-2012514 STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer 10674 Non- Commercial RCHT Thomson, Dr Alastair 01-Nov-1635119 STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer 10674 Non- Commercial RD&E Sheehan, Dr Denise 31-May-175567 STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer 10674 Non- Commercial T&S Varughese, Dr Mohini 31-May-1760-24 STAR Standard vs Modified Drug Therapy in Renal Cancer 10674 Non- Commercial YDH Sparrow, Dr Geoff 03-Jun-1621-10 Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

15 AcronymUKCRNIDStudy TypeTrustInvestigator Name Recruitment End Date Planned Target Recruitment (Edge) RTT The Leeds Testicular Cancer Study13737Non-CommercialPHNTHighley, Dr Martin31-Jan-18301842 The Leeds Testicular Cancer Study13737Non-CommercialRCHTWheatley, Dr Duncan30-Jan-184070139 The Leeds Testicular Cancer Study13737Non-CommercialRD&EHong, Dr Anne31-Jan-18301425 The PHOTO Trial17055Non-CommercialRD&EMcGrath, Mr John31-Mar-172030113 The UK Genetics of Testicular Cancer Study4155Non-CommercialPHNTHighley, Dr Martin26-Sep-161535168 UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialNDHCTSheehan, Dr Denise31-Dec-172037101 UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialPHNTMcInerney, Mr Paul31-Dec-171575419 UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialRCHTWheatley, Dr Duncan12-Dec-1712084-10 UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialRD&EInvestigator, No Local31-Dec-173277160 UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialSDHCFTLydon, Dr Anna31-Dec-17427287 UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialT&SMacDonagh, Dr Ru31-Dec-171286636 UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study869Non-CommercialYDHParker, Mr Chris31-Dec-17536669 VinCaP15033Non-CommercialRCHTThomson, Dr Alastair03-Feb-151222 Skin Tumour Group RAG Report - Non Commercial Data from EDGE– Cut off 06/10/15 Includes data from Bladder, Prostate, Testis, and Renal CSG Portfolios

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