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Death & resurrection - Rom.6:1-4 1. The funeral of the old life Baptism is a funeral – saying goodbye & good riddance to the old life A Christian is joined.

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Presentation on theme: "Death & resurrection - Rom.6:1-4 1. The funeral of the old life Baptism is a funeral – saying goodbye & good riddance to the old life A Christian is joined."— Presentation transcript:

1 Death & resurrection - Rom.6:1-4 1. The funeral of the old life Baptism is a funeral – saying goodbye & good riddance to the old life A Christian is joined to Jesus – “Baptized into Christ” – Rom.6:3; 1Cor.12:12,13 They are joined in his death – Rom.6:6 a. No longer guilty before God b. No longer under sin’s power

2 2. Resurrection to new life Baptism is a celebration of new life. The Christian is “baptized into his resurrection” – Rom.6:5 The resurrection of Jesus has changed everything. It confirms:- a. Who Jesus is – Saviour & Lord b. What he did – the Cross is victory c. A new world has begun

3 3. What does resurrection life look like? a. A new perspective – 2 Cor.5:17 b. New behaviour – Col.3:5-17;Eph.4:22-24 c. New power – Gal.5:22,23; Rom.8:11 d. New ambitions 1. To know Jesus – Phil.3:8,9 2. To become more like Jesus e. New future – Col.3:4; 1John3:2; 1Cor.15:42-44 “Live the adventure – Jesus & his life”

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