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Assessment of the viability of the tooth pulp using a laser speckle Nina V. Venatovskaya, Razumovskiy SSMU, Russia Sergey S. Ulyanov, Chernyshevsky SSU,

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of the viability of the tooth pulp using a laser speckle Nina V. Venatovskaya, Razumovskiy SSMU, Russia Sergey S. Ulyanov, Chernyshevsky SSU,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of the viability of the tooth pulp using a laser speckle Nina V. Venatovskaya, Razumovskiy SSMU, Russia Sergey S. Ulyanov, Chernyshevsky SSU, Russia Dmitriy E. Suetenkov, Razumovskiy SSMU, Russia

2 Relevance Determination of the viability of the pulp is an urgent task in different clinical situations

3 Trauma tooth If you break off the crown at the level of enamel and dentin without opening the pulp chamber is necessary to monitor the state of the pulp of the teeth in order to avoid post-traumatic inflammatory changes and the death of the neurovascular bundle

4 Trauma tooth Viability pulp is needed to determine the effectiveness and correct the treatment plan if necessary If you break off the crown at the level of enamel and dentin with the opening of the pulp chamber applied biological treatment for preserving the viability of the pulp

5 Orthodontic treatment Overloading can cause injury of the neurovascular bundle, and change the color of the tooth Assessment of the pulp helps control the power load and time prevent undesirable consequences

6 Orthopaedic treatment Assessment of the dynamics of changes in blood flow velocity of the pulp of the tooth can help in the diagnosis of early forms of pulpits and timely prevention and elimination of the disease There is a need to determine the viability of the pulp of teeth restored with crowns for patients with orthopedic designs

7 Purpose of the study: term study to assess the state of human dental tissues using laser speckle Tasks: diagnose the state of the dental pulp in vivo 2.assess the impact of the static sample on the result of research 3.assess the impact of the environment in the oral cavity on the result of research

8 1. Diagnosis of the pulp in vivo in the unlocked position of the head of the patient First premolar has a living pulp, the endodontic treatment is not carried out (sample 1Zhiv) 2nd premolar previously treated for chronic fibrous pulpitis, root canal is sealed to the physiological apex (sample 1Mert) 1.1. Preparation for the study. For the experiment, the left upper premolar selected from one patient

9 Chosen for the experiment the teeth in the mouth and the oral contact sighting radiograph Left - Sample 1Zhiv Right - Sample 2Mert 1. Diagnosis of the pulp in vivo in the unlocked position of the head of the patient

10 1) Laser LGN 207 to the laser wavelength - 0,63-0,64 mm and a power of - 1.65 mW; 2) the patient's head, teeth retractor; 3) the lens of a microscope MBS-10; 4) Camera Phoenix PS-1280; 5) computer for visualization of results 1. Diagnosis of the pulp in vivo in the unlocked position of the head of the patient Apparatus for study

11 A number of experiments in vivo, during which consistently covered the surface of the teeth with a laser beam, evaluated the dynamics of speckle and counted the spatio- temporal speckle contrast in the program Matlab 1. Diagnosis of the pulp in vivo in the unlocked position of the head of the patient

12 Picture spatio-temporal speckle contrast sample 1Zhiv. C = 1.008 Picture spatio-temporal speckle contrast sample 2Mert. C = 0.991 Experimental results There were no visual differences in the speckle pattern between the experimental and control sample. In both cases, the dynamics of speckles across the surface of the tooth, the contrast value are close to each other 1. Diagnosis of the pulp in vivo in the unlocked position of the head of the patient

13 Tooth previously treated endodontically, can not be called dead, branches of the neurovascular bundle could survive after the medical- instrumentation To determine the viability of the pulp sample 2Mert Results of experiment questions and tasks ? ! 1. Diagnosis of the pulp in vivo in the unlocked position of the head of the patient

14 mucosa and moist environment of the oral cavity promote further dispersion of the laser and lead to unreliability of information obtained in the study To determine the effect of moist oral environment surrounding the tooth Results of experiment questions and tasks ? ! 1. Diagnosis of the pulp in vivo in the unlocked position of the head of the patient

15 Uncommitted patient's head can lead to non-static position of the object of research on laser and obtaining false information To determine the effect of fixing the patient's head on the results Results of experiment questions and tasks ? ! 1. Diagnosis of the pulp in vivo in the unlocked position of the head of the patient

16 2. Diagnosis of pulp in vivo at a fixed position of the head of the patient and isolated specimens The task - to find out the vitality of pulp sample 2Mert. The head of the patient recorded in SET face, studied the teeth alternately insulated metal matrices Progress in research

17 Picture spatio-temporal speckle contrast sample 1Zhiv. C = 0.779 2. Diagnosis of pulp in vivo at a fixed position of the head of the patient and isolated specimens Picture spatio-temporal speckle contrast sample 2Mert. C = 0.105 Experimental results Differences in the speckle pattern between specimens. Obtain dynamic speckle pattern from the sample 1Zhiv, C = 0.779 and a speckle pattern to the lack of dynamics from the sample 2Mert, C = 0.105

18 Tooth previously treated endodontically, can not be called dead, branches of the neurovascular bundle could survive after the medical- instrumentation pulp in a sample of NON-viable 2Mert Experimental results ? 2. Diagnosis of pulp in vivo at a fixed position of the head of the patient and isolated specimens

19 The task - to identify the impact of fixing the object of investigation and isolation of the objects on the reliability of the results. 3. Diagnosis of pulp in vivo at a fixed position of the head of the patient without isolation of the samples The patient's head fixed in the front SET Teeth are not isolated from the environment of the oral cavity and adjacent teeth.

20 mucosa and moist environment of the oral cavity promote further dispersion of the laser and lead to unreliability of information obtained in the study mucosa, oral fluid and the adjacent teeth DO NOT affect the results of the study ? 3. Diagnosis of pulp in vivo at a fixed position of the head of the patient without isolation of the samples Experimental results

21 Uncommitted patient's head could lead to a non-static position of the object of research on laser and obtaining false information Fixing the object of research is needed to obtain reliable results ? 3. Diagnosis of pulp in vivo at a fixed position of the head of the patient without isolation of the samples Experimental results

22 Diagnostics of the state of the dental pulp in vivo. In the course of the research revealed: 1. used technique is effective and informative to assess the viability of the pulp, as well as to assess the state of the pulp in the dynamics of observation; 2. oral mucosa surrounding the teeth studied, oral fluid, creating a moist environment of the mouth and teeth contact with the test did not affect the results of the study; Conclusion

23 3. To obtain the study data that reflect the real state of the circulatory system of the human tooth, the object of study should be fixed stationary relative to the laser source. For these purposes, you can use the front SET, cephalostat or photostat; 4. The study of the state of the pulp of human teeth using laser speckle is promising at the moment, requires further research and practical implementation. Conclusion

24 Thank you for attention! Venatovskaya Nina Viktorovna

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