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Coding with HTML/CSS Quiz { } Play as a PowerPoint slideshow for answers.

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1 Coding with HTML/CSS Quiz { } Play as a PowerPoint slideshow for answers

2 What are HTML and CSS used for? a) Programming robots b) Making a great sandwich c) Creating websites d) Drawing pictures digitally

3 What’s the difference between HTML and CSS? a) HTML is for building websites; CSS is for changing how they look b) HTML is only for Windows computers; CSS is for all computers c) HTML and CSS are names for the same thing d) CSS is for building websites; HTML is for changing how they look

4 Which of these is NOT an HTML tag? a) b) c) <link> d)

5 What tag do you put around text/paragraphs? a) b) <p> c) d)

6 Where can you put CSS in your code? a) Anywhere you want b) Between the <style> and </style> tags c) Only after the letter Q d) Nowhere

7 What should you put at the end of every website file? a).web b).www c).html d).jpg

8 What tags would you use to make words look like this: This is text a) <b>This is text</b> b) This is text c) This is text d) This is text

9 What tags would you use to make a link like this? Link a) Link b) Link c) Link d) <a href = “”>Link</div>

10 How would you put this picture of guinea pigs into your website? a) b) c) Type in “I want guinea pigs” d) “gpigs.jpg”

11 What do s do? a) Let people open your website in their browser b) Play extremely loud, annoying music c) Make your website turn different colors d) Divide your website into different areas that hold content

12 How do you make a header for your website? a) Text here b) Text here c) Text here d) All of the above

13 When you’re setting up a file to make a website, which tags do you NOT use? a) b) c) <file> d)

14 Which of these is a CSS option that you would use on text? a) background-color b) color c) padding d) height

15 What CSS option would you use on a div to make sure its contents don’t touch the sides? a) border b) margin c) background-color d) padding

16 What CSS option would you use on a div to make sure it doesn’t touch the div below it? a) margin b) padding c) border d) width

17 Which of these is NOT a CSS option? a) size b) border-left c) font-family d) font-weight

18 How would you use CSS to make text bold? a) font: b; b) font-size: bold; c) font-weight: b; d) font-weight: bold;

19 What’s the difference between an ID and a class? a) Both can be used for the same thing depending on your preference b) A class is used for one object; an ID is used for several similar objects c) An ID is used for one object; a class is used for several similar objects d) An ID can be used only on divs, but a class can be used on anything

20 How do you add CSS into a HTML tag for a ? a) Text b) <p style = “color: #ffffff;”>Text</p> c) Text d) Text

21 What can you use to change the size of something with CSS? a) pixels (px) b) percentages (%) c) All of the above d) inches (in) or centimeters (cm)

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