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Eureka! Leadership Institute Webinar Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 12:00 p.m. Presented by Angelica Fortin, Casey Marcarello, Petra Morris and Jenne Bergstrom.

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Presentation on theme: "Eureka! Leadership Institute Webinar Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 12:00 p.m. Presented by Angelica Fortin, Casey Marcarello, Petra Morris and Jenne Bergstrom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eureka! Leadership Institute Webinar Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 12:00 p.m. Presented by Angelica Fortin, Casey Marcarello, Petra Morris and Jenne Bergstrom Save Big! Invest in Partnerships that Work FOR You

2 Partnerships: what and why? Angelica Fortin San Diego County Library

3 What is a Partnership? a cooperative relationship between people or groups who agree to share responsibility for achieving some specific goal wn?s=partnership

4 What do you look for in a partner?

5 What to Look for… Complementary Reliable/Trustworthy Shared Vision

6 #1 Complimentary Skills Networks Resources ner.html?cat=3

7 #2 Reliable/Trustworthy Will they do what they say? Can you rely on them? Does the Community have confidence in them?

8 # 3 Shared Vision Do you make sense together?

9 The Library as a Partner Reputation Social Capital Location

10 #1 Reputation Trust Reliability Nostalgia

11 #2 Social Capital “Social capital is the mortar that weds the pieces of our community mosaic into a vital prosperous whole.”  Jose Aponte, Director SDCL

12 #3 Location Free Venue with an Audience

13 What else can the library bring to the table?

14 Scouting Potential Partners Petra Morris Pasadena Public Library

15 S couting P otential P artners Where Do You Go?

16 D ream B ig Why Not? Governmental agencies National associations Big business

17 I t’s a B eautiful D ay in the N eighborhood… Educational institutions Faith based organizations Libraries Non-profit organizations Service groups Big business, small business, and everything in between

18 W hat A bout Y our F riends ? City/county department employees Colleagues Family and friends Professional contacts

19 A P otential P artner W alks I nto the L ibrary…

20 S couting T ips Good Old Fashioned Networking Know your community gatekeepers Frequent events Perform community outreaches Take a walk or drive through the neighborhood Attend city/county – wide staff development trainings Participate on municipal committees Attend professional conferences

21 Making Your Partnerships Successful Casey Marcarello Rancho Cucamonga Public Library

22 The “tions” of Success Communication UtilizationRecognition

23 Communication UtilizationRecognition

24 Communication Face to face Face to face Video conference Video conference Collaborative work Collaborative work Voice Voice Email Email

25 The “tions” of Success Communication UtilizationRecognition

26 Communication UtilizationRecognition

27 Communication UtilizationRecognition

28 Communication UtilizationRecognition

29 Utilization Financial Financial Material Material Personnel Personnel Networking Networking

30 The “tions” of Success Communication UtilizationRecognition

31 Recognition Official Official Advertising Advertising Tribute Tribute Outreach Outreach

32 WinWin!

33 Recap Communication+Utilization+Recognition= The Logistical Nuts & Bolts of Building & Maintaining Successful Partnerships

34 What Could Go Wrong…and What Went Right Jenne Bergstrom San Diego County Library

35 Keep in Mind… Things don’t always go according to plan.

36 Before You Start Does this support our mission? Are we stepping on toes? Can we follow through on everything we’ve promised? Build in a stopping point.

37 Managing Expectations Is everyone on the same page?

38 Evaluation and Feedback At the end of the trial period, evaluate the situation. Do you need to renegotiate? It’s easier to extend a good partnership than cut off a bad one.

39 Don’t Stop There! How can you build on your success?

40 Time for Questions What partnerships have worked well for you? What have you learned from them?

41 Thank You! Angelica Fortin Casey Marcarello Petra Morris Jenne Bergstrom

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