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A few key points about living by grace.... Galatians 5:7-15 Even a little false teaching can ruin your walk and impact your future, both here and in eternity.

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Presentation on theme: "A few key points about living by grace.... Galatians 5:7-15 Even a little false teaching can ruin your walk and impact your future, both here and in eternity."— Presentation transcript:

1 A few key points about living by grace...

2 Galatians 5:7-15 Even a little false teaching can ruin your walk and impact your future, both here and in eternity

3 Galatians 5:7 What happened? They were on track to rule with Christ 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Gal. 3:1

4 Galatians 5:8-9 False teachers/teaching had ruined their view of grace and therefore, their walk.

5 Galatians 5:10 The false teachers would answer for it.

6 Galatians 5:11 Biblical grace offends people

7 Galatians 5:12 Paul wished those who distort grace were unable to spiritually reproduce (Paul wanted to shock his readers into understanding the seriousness of the issue)

8 Galatians 5:13 We've been positionally set free - 5:1 We need to work to maintain and experience that. Living by faith produces service to others.

9 Galatians 5:14 If we want to please God we must love others. Legalism doesn't produce this.

10 Galatians 5:15 Legalistic living produces a judgmental, critical spirit. It tears fellowships apart. Legalistic thinking produces a form a spiritual cannibalism.

11 Grace is the only path to a genuinely spiritual life individually and corporately.

12 Galatians 5:16 "walk in the Spirit" Gal. 2:20 Living by faith The opposite of living by the Law, in the flesh

13 Galatians 5:16 Walking by faith in the Spirit as opposed to a life lived in the flesh, by the Law. We need to walk in a spiritual manner, by faith, rather than legalistically

14 Galatians 5:17 "lusts" = "sets its desire against" Romans 7 What one singer found in a relationship with another, the Bible finds between the flesh and the Spirit...a battlefield.

15 Galatians 5:18 Often misunderstood. Not extra-biblical, personal guidance from the Spirit.

16 Galatians 5:18 "under the law" = Not under the impulses of the flesh. We can only please God by His method and His power.

17 Galatians 5:18 Often misunderstood. Not extra-biblical, personal guidance from the Spirit.

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