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The AVID Program Be a part of the Patapsco AVID Family!

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2 The AVID Program Be a part of the Patapsco AVID Family!

3 Why are YOU here? Chosen by teachers at Stricker They thought you should be college-bound! You are determined to succeed You have potential to succeed in hard classes

4 Patapsco High School Comprehensive high school with a diverse student body Freshman class next year will have ~400 students! Only 25 students will be in the AVID Program

5 What does AVID stand for? A= Advancement V= Via (from) I= Individual D= Determination

6 Advancement Students move up with success from standard to honors to GT to AP courses

7 Via Individual AVID will provide a lot of help, but students must be willing to work to get to college! Students MUST be motivated

8 Determination Be willing to take on challenges! Be willing to work through tough classes!

9 AVID Is Not… A remedial class Study hall Just an easy class An automatic ticket to college

10 AVID Is… Academic success Study skills & time management Advanced classes College knowledge Inspirational Peer tutoring SAT Prep A FAMILY

11 Throughout all four years… –You will attend college fairs –Visit colleges & universities (in MD and out of state) –Receive information from guest speakers –In class debates, group projects, college research –Total support from your peers, teachers, administrators and parents

12 What Do I Learn in AVID? Freshman Year Introduction to AVID Cornell Notes Time management Communication skills Getting involved at PHS PSAT preparation

13 What Do I Learn in AVID? Sophomore Year Start your college search Prepare for SAT and ACT Build on 9 th grade skills: study, organization, manage time

14 What Do I Learn in AVID? Junior Year Focus on College & Careers How to apply to colleges Interview Process How to take the SAT & ACT What to look for in a college or university

15 What Do I Learn in AVID? Senior Year The Application Process The College Essay Financial Aid & Scholarships First Year Expectations How to succeed in college

16 Who are AVID students at PHS? Varsity Athletes- LAX, Football, Track, Volleyball, etc. Artists- actresses, photographers, singers, dancers, yearbook, etc. Leaders- class officers, steering committee, JROTC, Homecoming Court, Mock Trial team

17 Things You Should Know… AVID is a privilege… –If for some reason you cannot… Maintain college-eligible grades… Come to school on a regular basis Go through the year without disciplinary actions… You will be de-selected from the program!

18 The Benefits of Being in the AVID family… Caring teachers Teacher-mentors Tutors Frequent grade updates in all classes Lasting friendships Mentoring that is fun! Field trips to colleges Class time for SAT, College Applications, Scholarship apps AVID teacher who works with you 9 th -12th

19 So How About It? Do you want success? Do you want support? Do you want to achieve your goals? Do you want to go to college? Do you want to a successful career?

20 If you answered “Yes” to more than one question… AVID is for you!

21 What do I do NOW? Listen to current AVID students Fill out the questionnaire Complete the application

22 Then What? Applications due to your Counselor November 26 th Short interviews will be at Stricker in November/December

23 Any questions?

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