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Welcome to Mrs. Jones’ Language Arts, Reading, and Social Studies Class! Mrs. Schneider’s Math, Science, and Social Studies class !

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Jones’ Language Arts, Reading, and Social Studies Class! Mrs. Schneider’s Math, Science, and Social Studies class !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Jones’ Language Arts, Reading, and Social Studies Class! Mrs. Schneider’s Math, Science, and Social Studies class !

2 In 5 th grade… We are preparing your child for Intermediate school. We feel it is very important to have…. –High expectations –Low tolerance for discipline issues This includes: Not following directions Not having materials and assignments

3 Zero Tolerance Bullying will not be tolerated. This includes hitting, kicking, teasing, threatening, taunting, assaulting, or any other form of written, verbal, physical, or electronic harassment toward another student.

4 –For unexcused absences, a student commits a criminal offense if the student is absent for 10 or more days or parts of days in a six month period or three or more days or parts of days in a four week period. –If a student misses more than 18 days during the school year, he or she may not receive credit for the class except for an illness that is verified by a written doctor’s note.

5 Watch the short shorts. No skinny straps for girls’ tops. No jeans with tears or holes. No beards or mustaches for the boys. No hats or headcoverings.

6 You can get to my web pages by going to – Campuses – Kuehnle – Teachers - 5 th – Linda Jones (LA) or Laura Schneider (Math and Science). There will be academic information, grading guidelines, upcoming events, book order information, and a survey page where you can give me your contact information and any special information you want me to know.

7 Available to parents online. Go to Click on Parent Access. Then, go to Parent Connection. You must set up an account the first time. Then, you simply have to log on to access your child’s grades. The system updates as we enter grades.

8 For math I have 6 objectives to cover. They are…….. -Obj.1 Number, Operation and Quantitative Reasoning –Obj. 2 Patterns, Relationships and Algebraic Thinking –Obj. 3 Geometry Spatial Reasoning –Obj. 4 Measurement –Obj. 5 Probability and Statistics –Obj. 6 Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools

9 In Science we have 4 basic areas. –Nature of Science –Physical Science –Earth Science –Life Science

10 In Social Studies we use many resources such as History Alive – It is an interactive process using a multidisciplinary approach to learn.

11 Read Together/Think Aloud Guided Reading Independent Reading Reading Response Notebooks WEB Reading at home – 100 minutes per week

12 Parts of Speech Composition Grammar Writing Workshop

13 District provided list Words passed out Monday; test on Friday Words posted on teacher website

14 Vocabulary Spiral –Weekly list of vocabulary words that support the Read Together/Think Aloud –Academic vocabulary words Reader’s Response Notebook/Spiral: –Student response to text and practice good reading strategies (connecting, questioning, visualizing, etc.) Writer’s Notebook: –Free writing – Students write 3 – 5 times a week –Grammar notes – Notes on parts of speech, subject/predicate, etc.

15 Reader’s Response Notebook: –Students make text to text, text to self, and text to world connections and record in spiral. –Students practice reading strategies for inferencing, cause and effect, predicting, visualizing, main idea, fact/opinion, sequencing, and summary.

16 Math –includes warm-ups, guided/independent practice, homework, and vocabulary Social Studies –Vocabulary –Maps –Graphic organizers Science –Teacher input –Student output

17 Math Monday, April 4, 2011 Reading Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Science Thursday, April 28, 2011

18 Study spelling words. Reading log – 100 minutes minimum every week. –Must have parent signature and 3-5 sentences in response to reading. –Due on Friday of each week. Math – every night but Friday

19 8:30 – 9:15 am except Thursdays. **Please email or call if you have any concerns. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

20 Review papers. Keep all papers for your records! Sign and return Tuesday folder by Wednesday. If there are no academic, work habits, or conduct concerns, there will be a sticker in the column for the week at the top of the page. A check mark in any area indicates concerns. Check Parent Connection for grades!

21 Monday, October 11 Sign-up sheet in the room Student holiday

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