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Lecture 13. Table 1. Maximum Recommended Moisture Contents of Selected Clean, Sound Grains for Storage with Aeration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 13. Table 1. Maximum Recommended Moisture Contents of Selected Clean, Sound Grains for Storage with Aeration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 13

2 Table 1. Maximum Recommended Moisture Contents of Selected Clean, Sound Grains for Storage with Aeration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short term Long term (less than (more than 6 months) 6 months) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corn 15.5 % 13 % Edible Beans 16 13 Flax seed 9 7 Millet 10 9 Oats 14 12 Rye 13 12 Sorghum 13.5 13 Soybeans 13 11 Non-Oil Sunflower 11 10 Oil Sunflower 10 8 Wheat 14 13

3 Estimated Drying Energy Requirements ----------------------------------------------------- BTU's/lb. of Dryer Type Water Removed ----------------------------------------------------- Natural Air 1000 - 1200 Low Temperature 1200 - 1500 Batch-in-Bin 1500 - 2000 High Temperature Air Re-circulating 1800 - 2200 W/0 Air Re-circulating 2000 - 3000 -------------------------------------------- Drying Requirements

4 Selecting a Heater Formula BTU/hr = cfm * 1.10 * desired temp. increase increase temp of 4364 cfm by 10 degree F 4364 * 1.10 * 10 = 48,004 btu if anticipation 10% loss heating efficiency? 48,004 * 1.10 = 52,804

5 Maintaining quality during drying Livestock feed - 250 degrees = OK Seed quality - 120 degrees = MAX... (Use 110) Milling quality - 150 degrees = MAX

6 Maximum recommended drying air temperatures Dryer Type Cont. Recirculating Column Bin Flow Batch Batch Batch Grain Dryer Dryer Dryer Dryer Seed -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wheat and 150° 150° 135° 120° 110° Durum Malting 120° 120° 110° 110° 110° Barley Soybeans 130° 130° 110° 110° 110° (non-food) Oats 150° 150° 135° 120° 110° Rye 150° 150° 135° 120° 110° Sunflower 200° 200° 180° 120° 110° Flaxseed 180° 180° 160° 120° 110° Corn 200° 200° 180° 120° 110° Mustard and 150° 150° 130° 110° 110° Rape Pinto Beans, 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° Navy Beans

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