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Unit Reflection Still Life Through Time By Mohammed Al-Naimi.

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1 Unit Reflection Still Life Through Time By Mohammed Al-Naimi

2 What objects did you choose for your still life? The objects I choose for my still life projects were my phone-blackberry bold 9000 A paint pot Two paint brushes

3 Why are these objects special or important to you My phone is important to me because I use it in a daily bases. The paint pot is important to me because it shows that I like art and to paint, draw etc. The two paint brushes show that I like to paint a lot.

4 What mediums have you chosen to work in? why? I did pencil, charcoal, and pen. I used pencil for 2 reasons, first of all because Miss: Beaton asked us to. Second because I like to use pencil so I can be more accurate and if I do anything wrong I can erase it. I used charcoal because it makes it easier to shade in and makes the drawing look nice. I used pen because it seemed like a good idea and its net

5 What medium worked best for you? why? The best medium was the pen drawing because it was net and had good shading and curved edges.

6 What is the best quality of your work

7 What specific feedback have you received from your teacher/and or other students on your work Teacher: exact words (Mohammed I think you should improve on your shading a bit and on your curve edges.) Students: it is good but you need to improve your shading

8 What specific aim can u set for yourself to improve your artistic skill and/or creativity in future projects? To practice drawing on the time being so I can have nice drawings not grade 1 art drawings

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