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Leadership – Mind and Heart

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1 Leadership – Mind and Heart

2 QUOTE!! "Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." Jack Welch

3 Leader Capacity versus Competence
Competence – the set of skills necessary to succeed Capacity – the potential each of us has to do more and be more than we are now

4 Mental Models Theories people hold about specific systems in the world and their expected behavior

5 Leader’s Mind Independent thinking Open-Mindedness
Questioning assumptions and interpreting data and events according to one’s own beliefs, ideas, and thinking, rather than pre-established rules or categories defined by others Open-Mindedness The process of continuously reevaluating previously learned ways of doing things in the context of evolving information and shifting circumstances

6 Systems Thinking The ability to see the synergy of the whole rather than just the separate elements of a system and to learn to reinforce or change whole system patterns


8 Personal Mastery The discipline of personal growth and learning and of mastering yourself, it embodies personal visions, facing reality and holding creative tension. Refocusing and redefining future and vision Commitment to the truth Managing the gap between the vision and the current situation

9 Emotional Intelligence
A person’s abilities to perceive, identify, understand, and successfully manage emotions in self and others

10 Ex. 5.5 The Components of Emotional Intelligence
Self-Awareness Social Awareness Emotional self awareness Accurate self-assessment Self-confidence Empathy Organizational awareness Service orientation Self-Management Relationship Management Emotional self-control Trustworthiness Conscientiousness Adaptability Optimism Achievement-orientation Initiative Development of others Inspirational leadership Influence Communication Change catalyst Conflict management Bond building Teamwork and collaboration


12 Ex. 5.4 Eight Families of Emotions
Enjoyment Anger Fear Love Disgust Surprise Shame Sadness

13 Types of Motivation Fear-based Motivation Love-based Motivation
Motivation based on fear of losing a job Love-based Motivation Motivation based on feeling valued in the job

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