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Case 1….. A patient delays initiation of movement, displays an uneven trajectory in moving her hand from above her head to touch her nose, and is uneven.

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Presentation on theme: "Case 1….. A patient delays initiation of movement, displays an uneven trajectory in moving her hand from above her head to touch her nose, and is uneven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case 1….. A patient delays initiation of movement, displays an uneven trajectory in moving her hand from above her head to touch her nose, and is uneven in her attempts to demonstrate rapid alternation of pronating and supernating movements of the hand and forearm. Which of the following regions most likely contains the lesion? A. Hemispheres of the posterior cerebellar lobe. B. Flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum, C. Vermal region of the anterior cerebellar lobe, D. Fastigial nucleus, E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract..

2 Case 2….. As a result of a dysfunction in development, a 4-year-old boy has difficulty walking and maintaining balance. It is later determined that there is significant loss of neurons in the cerebellum that disrupts the neuronal organization of the cerebellar glomerulus. Which of the following best characterizes this glomerulus? A. Mossy fiber terminals, Golgi axons, and axon terminals of granule cells B. Climbing fiber terminals, Golgi axons, and granule cell dendrites C. Mossy fiber terminals, Purkinje cell axons, and granule cell dendrites D. Mossy fiber terminals, Golgi and granule cell dendrites, and Golgi cell axon terminals. E. Climbing fiber terminals, Golgi cell dendrites, Purkinje cell dendrites, and axon terminals of parallel fibers

3 Case 3….. A 55-year-old male had been complaining about his having difficulty in coordinating the use of his arms in meaningful ways. For example, when examined by a neurologist, the patient was unable to move his finger Accurately to his nose from his side when requested to do so but instead Would undershoot or overshoot the target. He also had difficulty in making Rapid alternating rotational movements of the hand. The neurologist believed that the patient was suffering from a disorder that resulted in a lesion of a region of the cerebellum or structures related to it. Which of the following regions most likely contained this lesion? A. Fastigial nucleus B. Vermal region C. Cerebellar hemsipheres D. Inferior cerebellar peduncle E. Vestibular nuclei

4 Case 4….. A man presents with a wide-based, ataxic gait during his attempts at walking. He is also unsteady, sways when standing, and displays a tendency to fall backward or to either side in a drunken manner. In which of the following structures is a lesion most likely located? A. Hemispheres of the posterior cerebellar lobe, B. Anterior limb of the internal capsule. C. Dentate nucleus. D. Anterior lobe of the cerebellum. E. Flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum.

5 Case 5….. A 25-year-old man, who began to have difficulty in walking, is examined by a neurologist and neurosurgeon. They conclude that a tumor is compressing upon the lateral aspect of his spinal cord, affecting primarily the spinocerebellar tracts. Which of the following structures is the principal region within the cerebellum that receives these fibers? A. Anterior lobe B. Posterior lobe C. Flocculonodular lobe D. Fastigial nucleus E. Dentate nucleus

6 A 65 year old black female was referred to a neurologist for evaluation of a movement disorder. Over the last 3 years the patient had noticed progressive stiffness of the muscles in both upper and lower limbs. She had also noted difficulty in getting up from a chair and maintaining proper posture. Her movement disorder consisted of a 3 - 6 beats per second tremor at her right wrist and fingers; however, no tremor was found on the left upper limb. Given the combination of signs and symptoms which of the following best describes this disorder? Hemiballism Huntington's disease Parkinson's disease None of above

7 Which of the following will be noted by the neurologist if tested? Cogwheel rigidity Dysdiadochokinesia Positive Romberg sign Right extensor plantar reflex

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