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Monday Due: Composition Notebooks Arthur Miller’s Exigence and “Why I Wrote The Crucible”

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1 Monday Due: Composition Notebooks Arthur Miller’s Exigence and “Why I Wrote The Crucible”

2 Tuesday 10/20/15 Content Objective: historical background and author’s purpose Discuss Miller’s Exigence and turn in to the tray Historical background Author’s purpose Puritan Sonnet

3 Wednesday 10.21.15 Today we will read and analyze characteristics of Puritan Poetry by applying FRACTIONS analysis to the poetry of Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor. 6 th period—finish Puritan Sonnet Puritan Poetry Read abut Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor—pg. 114-115 “To My Dear and Loving Husband”—pg. 116 “Upon the Burning of Our House”—pg. 118-119 “Huswifery”—pg. 120 Complete FRACTIONS analysis How to Spot A _________________ or The Enemy Within—typed, due tomorrow

4 Thursday 10.22.15 Content Objective: Today we will analyze the author’s purpose by reading a Puritan sermon “Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God,” and identify and analyze the rhetorical devices he uses in order to convey his purpose. Due: How to Spot A __________ Pair up and share these with a partner Turn in to the tray Puritan Sermon: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Read “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Read bio on pg. 122-123 Read the Sermon pg. 124-129 Identifying Rhet. Devices—due tomorrow HW: 1. Work on critical issues webpage—have much of your content by tomorrow 2. Finish “Sinners” Identifying Rhet. Dev. For class Monday TOMORROW IS THE END OF THE 9 WEEKS. ALL WORK DUE BY 3:30 pm. NO WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THAT TIME.

5 Friday 10.23.15 Content Objective: Today we will continue rhet. analysis writing by creating our Google Site that analyzes the viewpoint of various academic writings of a critical issue. Get a laptop and log in to Googledocs Work on your GoogleSite add all the cool stuff! Create a Works Cited page Due next Friday at the beginning of class! Woo hoo! Watch The Crucible video HW: “Sinners” rhet. Devices and appeals—due Monday

6 Friday 10.16.15 AP/GT Eng Lang Get a laptop and log in to Googledocs Work on your GoogleSite—the real work begins Spend 20-30 minutes a night Build your page; figure out the layout Begin organizing and adding your sources Write one synopsis and one claim for each source (rhetorical analysis) The Crucible video ALL COMPOSITION NOTEBOOKS DUE MONDAY!!! 15 journals Books Section for Huck and The Crucible

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