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Timesheet training Version: 1.8.1. Introduction Duration: 1.5 hours Purpose: Guide on how to use Timesheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Timesheet training Version: 1.8.1. Introduction Duration: 1.5 hours Purpose: Guide on how to use Timesheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Timesheet training Version: 1.8.1

2 Introduction Duration: 1.5 hours Purpose: Guide on how to use Timesheet

3 Objectives After the course, student will achieve (be able to): –Understand Timesheet procedure –Understand how to record Timesheet –Use Timesheet information to manage working effort.

4 Timesheet procedure ActorAction –StaffsRecord –PMReview –QAReview & approve –Senior ManagerView –Timesheet AdminWeekly report Timesheet status –HCDCreate timesheet account Timesheet related penalty/reward –QA_ToolTechnical support

5 Timesheet procedure Who? –All –Exceptional cases –Group Leaders –Persons who are not working for any project of company: shopping-body, abroad training, off-work, etc. –Persons who are approved by COO and SEPG Head, or company BOM for not to record timesheet When? –Before 10:00 am every Monday for recording –Before 03:00 pm every Monday for Manager review –Before every Tuesday for QA review –Before 7th of next month for recovering timesheet.

6 Timesheet procedure ÄLack of timesheet  Not submit timesheet before 10:00 AM next Monday  Not recover timesheet before 7th of next month ÄPending timesheet  Not review timesheet before 15:00 PM every Monday (PM)  Not review and approve timesheet within Tuesday (QA)

7 Timesheet procedure Timesheet status report  Timesheet status (lack and pending timesheet) is informed every Monday.  At the last day of every month, inform company staffs about People that have not recovered timesheet  At 8th monthly, the report on lack and pending timesheet in month is informed and it is base for penalty (Clarification and/or explanation shall be submitted to QA Manager within 3 working days for approval)

8 Timesheet procedure Penalty cases: Outstanding case  Lack of timesheet  Pending timesheet Timesheet violation report to HCD no later than 15th monthly for implementing penalty procedure

9 How to record Reject Grant access right Record Approve by PM/Other Approve by QA Report Work flow

10 How to record What to record? ª Date ª Project ª Process ª Work ª Description ª Time ª Work product ª KPA (entered by QA)

11 How to record Project – What project your effort spent for?  Project: activities for specific projects  Group: activities at Group-level, not specified for any project.  Misc: others.

12 How to record Type of Work  Study  Create  Review: review WPs created by OTHERS, not YOU  Test  Correct: repair YOUR OWN PROJECT’s defects, not OTHER’S  Translate Work product  Work Order; Project plan  URD; SRS  ADD/DDD  Use manual; Software package  Test plan; Test case & test data; test tools, Software modules for Unit testing  Release note; installation guide ....

13 How to record Software process: what activity do you do? Contract management: - Develop, review, approve Proposal - Contract relating activities Requirements: - Identify or study Customer requirements - Develop, review & approve URD, SRS, Use case... - Develop Requirement prototype Design: - Develop, review & approve Design document: ADD, DDD - Develop Design prototype

14 How to record  Coding: ÄDevelop, review, approve Coding convention Ä Code Ä Develop User manual, System description, Installation guide  Deployment: ÄDevelop Release note, ÄPack the software package  Deliver or deploy the software  Conduct user training related activities  Customer Support Ä Technical support after releasing software to customer

15 How to record  Test ÄCreate & review Test Plan  Develop, review, approve Test case, test data (Test tools)  Execute test: Unit test, Integration test, System test  Make Test report  Prevention ÄDevelop DP Plan ÄImplement DP activities  Causal analysis meeting  Maintain DP Log

16 How to record  Configuration management  Develop CM plan  Set up environment and project directory  Keep track status of CIs  Baseline activities and report  Project management - Develop, review, approve PP  Project tracking, meeting and report  Project meeting: kick-off, progress review, milestone review, post-mortem review  Subcontract management

17 How to record  Other processes  Quality  Quality planning  Quality control  Quality audit  Correction/Prevention  Management review  Information  Documentation control  IS management

18 How to record –Human resource management:  Recruitment  Training  Staff management  Collaborator management  Student management  Retirement –Admin:  Administration  Facility management

19 Common TS defects o Wrong logging 1. Code and unit test 2. Test and fix bug 3. Study or Review WPs 4. Translate mail 5. Working time: 4-8-12 o Lacking 1. Review effort 2. CM effort: baseline, set up env, install tools

20 How to use Report Summary report  Summary report  Report by Process and Type of work  Work product and Type of work  Kpa and Type of work  Account and date Tracking report  Lack of Timesheet  Pending Timesheet Inquiry report

21 Practices Log timesheet for the following cases: –1. Make prototype –2. Prepare for high level design review, inform and send documents, records to related interfaces –3. Verify tools for coding –4. Conduct code review –5. Conduct final inspection of deployment package within the project –6. Develop test strategy, include: testing method, exit criteria and measurement for test, special considerations, resources and conditions for performing test –7. Design data

22 Practices (cont.) Log timesheet for the following cases: –8. Inspect Test tools –9. Set up environment and install programs for Test –10. Study project information and configuration management requirements including list of deliverables, schedule, milestones and change control requirements –11. Receive change request, record information required –12. Define outline of project plan –13. Conduct quality audit, receive the audit team –14. Analyze Defects to set DP goals and product preventive actions. Conduct preventive actions. Verify to close DP tasks –15. Correct, revise and re-review the requirement specification documents

23 Resources & references Reference –Timesheet guideline –Timesheet user manual –Timesheet procedure

24 Questions and Answers

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