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Arizona Transit Association 2013 AzTA/ADOT Conference: Coming Together – Transit Connects Us PUBLIC TRANSIT DEPARTMENT City of Phoenix/Valley Metro Platinum.

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Presentation on theme: "Arizona Transit Association 2013 AzTA/ADOT Conference: Coming Together – Transit Connects Us PUBLIC TRANSIT DEPARTMENT City of Phoenix/Valley Metro Platinum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arizona Transit Association 2013 AzTA/ADOT Conference: Coming Together – Transit Connects Us PUBLIC TRANSIT DEPARTMENT City of Phoenix/Valley Metro Platinum Pass Program

2 2 Overview Platinum Pass Program Summary Enrolling in the Program Card Management Billing and Payment Program Benefits Program Statistics Other Smart Card Programs

3 3 Platinum Pass Program Summary Valley Metro - City of Phoenix Partnership Smart Card Technology Employer-Based Program Post Payment Fare Program Bus and Light Rail Benefits Employers, Employees, and the Entire Valley

4 4 Enrolling in the Program Opening a Platinum Pass Account  Valley Metro web site  Submit application/agreement  City of Phoenix processes applications/agreements & orders  Submit order upon approval  20 card minimum initial purchase Minimum 5 cards used each month Validity period usually three years

5 5 Card Management Smart Card Inventory Controls Orders Received and Processed by City of Phoenix Smart Cards Encoded and Printed Fare Collection System Database Updated Passes Issued to Company and Company Issues to Employees Passes Deactivated at Customer Request

6 6 Billing and Payment Monthly Billing Based on Usage Not to Exceed Equivalent Monthly Pass Billing Summary Report Provided with Each Invoice Payment Due 30 Days From Invoice Date Payment Monitoring  Total past due amount < 0.5% of annual revenue

7 7 Program Benefits Conveniently provide passes to large number of transit users Employers may subsidize part, or all, of the cost as an employee benefit Employer is only charged for actual number of rides with a cap  Maximum $64 per month for local bus and light rail  Maximum $104 per month for Express/RAPID bus Cards can be deactivated if lost or stolen

8 8 Program Benefits Extra cards can be ordered and used immediately upon receipt Employer receives one monthly invoice for total charges on all cards being used A billing summary showing total charges per card is provided to each customer A detailed billing report that shows the day, time and route for each boarding is available for an additional $25 per month

9 9 Program Statistics Program Administration – 4 FTE’s 250 Customers 120,000 Active Passes Annual Revenue  FY 2010-11 $10,451,000  FY 2011-12 $10,206,000 Annual Card Production  FY 2010-11 92,000  FY 2011-12 82,000 FY 2011-12 Deactivations 19,500 FY 2011-12 Customer Contacts 5,800

10 10 Other Smart Card Programs Arizona State University Student U-Pass  Per boarding charge, no maximum  About 15,000 passes provided to ASU  Bill ASU monthly  $2 million annual revenue Semester Pass  17 Local colleges  Pre-paid  $200K annual revenue

11 11 QUESTIONS? Ken Kessler, Deputy Public Transit Director City of Phoenix Public Transit Department 602-534-4972

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