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Ethos, Pathos, Logos Aristotelian Appeals “The Art of Persuasion”

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Presentation on theme: "Ethos, Pathos, Logos Aristotelian Appeals “The Art of Persuasion”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethos, Pathos, Logos Aristotelian Appeals “The Art of Persuasion”

2 Persuade Verb: Action Cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument. Cause (someone) to believe something, convince. Synonyms: convince - coax - argue urge, influence, move, entice, *influencing someone's thoughts or actions.

3 Rhetoric (n) - speaking or writing effectively (Webster's Definition). Goal of persuasive writing or speaking: –persuade your audience that your ideas are valid! Using Ethos, pathos and logos will strengthen your argument. (more persuasive)

4 Video Understanding Ethos, Pathos, Logos

5 Persuasion-Appeals Rhetoric Triangle Ethos: Credibility Pathos: Emotions Logos: Sense of Logic Logos Ethos Pathos should be balanced within a text/speech.

6 Ethos, Pathos, Logos Ethos: Is it ethical Pathos: Does it make you feel a strong emotion? Logos: Does it make you use your sense of reason (brain)

7 Ethos-(Ethics)-(Image) Appeals to a person’s; –Ethics (right or wrong) –Image –Character Topics: –Political issues, national beliefs, religious issues….. Etc. –Good vs. evil A speaker or writer could be; –Trustworthy –Credible –Reliable Example American Lung AssociationAmerican Lung Association. Or Facebook fan pages. –Which of these sources do you suppose is more credible?

8 Logos: Logic Appeals to a person’s sense of logic: Makes you think about the subject. Very Scientific, to the point (researched) We might see/hear: –Definitions –Facts and statistics –Quotations –Citations from experts –Studies/Experiments Example: Smoking is harmful based on the evidence that "Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer." (1)

9 Pathos: Emotions Appeals to a person’s feelings, emotions, and beliefs.Appeals to a person’s feelings, emotions, and beliefs. We might see; –Emotionally loaded language –Emotional examples –Vivid descriptions –Narratives of emotional events –Emotional tone Examples: Children, animals, illness, memories, etc. Tugs at your “heart strings”

10 Journal: # 1 Ethos, Logos, and Pathos Quiz Directions: Read each statement and decide whether it is an example of either Ethos, Logos, Pathos, or None. Select the corresponding letter next to your choice Answers". 1: "Four out of five doctors choose Chew-ezz gum for their patients who chew gum" a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 2: "Eating too quickly will result in a stomach ache" a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 3: "If you love me, you'd want to make me happy" a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 4: "The Surgeon General warns smoking can adversely affect your health" a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 5: "What goes up, must come down" a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 6: "Without music, our world would be bleak" a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 7: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None

11 Answers 1: "Four out of five doctors choose Chew-ezz gum for their patients who chew gum" Correct Answer: a a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 2: "Eating too quickly will result in a stomach ache" Correct Answer: b a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 3: "If you love me, you'd want to make me happy" Correct Answer: c a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 4: "The Surgeon General warns smoking can adversely affect your health" Correct Answer: a a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 5: "What goes up, must come down" Correct Answer: b a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 6: "Without music, our world would be bleak" Correct Answer: c |a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None 7: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Correct Answer: d a) Ethos b) Logos c) Pathos d) None

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