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ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I HTML Tags. ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I anchor tags Adds a link to the web page Anything placed between the anchor.

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Presentation on theme: "ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I HTML Tags. ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I anchor tags Adds a link to the web page Anything placed between the anchor."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I HTML Tags

2 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I anchor tags Adds a link to the web page Anything placed between the anchor tags becomes a link Attributes – href – name – target Yahoo

3 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I anchor tags cont … Links can be made from – text – image – list item To link to another web site use an absolute link To link to a page within your own site use a relative link To create an email link use mailto: Email me

4 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I font tags has been deprecated in favor of style sheets Attributes – face font name – size n, +n, or – n, where n equals number of points – color color name or rgb value Text

5 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I image Used to place images on a web page 3 types of images can be used on a web page –.gif line drawings or large areas of color limited to 256 colors can be transparent can be animated

6 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I image cont … types of supported images cont … –.jpg 16 million colors good format for photographs –.png not fully supported DO NOT use unsupported types of images –.bmp –.tif –.art

7 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I image cont … Attributes – src path to image name – width width in pixels – height height in pixels – alt alternative, descriptive text – border integer value – align used to float image to either side of a web page

8 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I image cont … Attributes cont … – vspace integer value to add space vertically – hspace integer value to add space horizontally

9 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I ordered list creates a list of items using numbers or letters Designate ordered list using Place individual list items in tags Attributes – type 1 * default A i a

10 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I unordered list creates a list of bulleted items Designate ordered list using Place individual list items in tags Attributes – type disc * default circle square

11 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I nested lists Marley Halle o 5 years old o 63 lbs Boo Marley Halle 5 years old 63 lbs Boo

12 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I definition list great for words and their definition or descriptions – opens list – contains the word or phrase to be defined – contains the definition

13 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I definition list cont … Halle A five year old Golden Retriever Marley A ten year old Border Collie Halle A five year old Golden Retriever Marley A ten year old Border Collie

14 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I quoting text – block level element – originally developed to indent large blocks of quoted text – generally indented by browsers – can be nested – used to quote text inline – can be nested

15 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I text formatting – monospaced – preformatted – line-through – superscript – subscript

16 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I divisions and spans – container tags used to designate blocks of material within a web page – block level element content starts on a new line – by itself, does nothing but add a line break – used with stylesheets, becomes a very powerful way to format blocks of code

17 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I divisions and spans cont … – container tags used to identify spans of text or other inline elements – cannot block level elements – by itself, does nothing to the way a page renders in a browser – used with stylesheets, becomes a powerful way to apply style inline

18 ECA 228 Internet/Intranet Design I special characters CODE RENDERS non-breaking space &ampersand <less than sign >greater than sign "straight quotes ‘curly single quote ’curly single quote “curly double quote ”curly double quote

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