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LIGHTNING Is STATIC ELECTRICITY (Really BIG static electricity!)

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Presentation on theme: "LIGHTNING Is STATIC ELECTRICITY (Really BIG static electricity!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LIGHTNING Is STATIC ELECTRICITY (Really BIG static electricity!)

2 So, like, what is STATIC ELECTRICITY anyway?

3 Static Electricity is an IMBALANCE between negative charges (electrons) and positive charges (protons) in the atoms that make up clouds. +++ - -

4 So, how does an IMBALANCE of electrons and protons happen in CLOUDS ?

5 ICE CRYSTALS in clouds have Negative Charges

6 WATER DROPLETS in clouds have Positive Charges

7 When bumps into (opposites attract) an electrical charge is formed – STATIC ELECTRICITY.

8 When the ELECTRON-to-PROTON IMBALANCE is HUGE, and the atoms try to balance themselves, we call this static electricity LIGHTNING.

9 There are FOUR ways lightning can strike: 1. Within a Cloud 2. Ground to Cloud 3. Cloud to Cloud 4. Cloud to Ground

10 Lightning… Within A Cloud

11 Lightning… Ground to Cloud

12 Lightning… Cloud to Cloud

13 Lightning… Cloud to Ground

14 Lightning Safety If you’re outside and you feel your hair suddenly standing on end, quickly… 1.Crouch down on the balls of your feet and cover your ears. 2.Don’t lay flat on the ground. Lightning striking nearby ground can still be conducted through the ground. Get low, but minimize how much of your body is touching the ground.


16 Lightning is caused by an Imbalance in the clouds… an imbalance of what?


18 Why do ice crystals and water droplets bump into each other?

19 Opposites Attract (ice crystals are negative, and water droplets are Positive)

20 If you think lightning is going to strike you… A.Scream, “Why me???” B.Run around in circles. C.Start doing jumping jacks. D.Quickly blink your eyes to eliminate any static. E.Frantically wave both hands high in the air. F.Sing your favorite song to calm down. G.Recite multiplication facts to go brain dead. H.Suck in your gut so lightning can’t find you. I.Yell, “I know you are, but what am I?” J.Crouch down and cover your ears.

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