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Welcome to Wednesday’s Class Session 2 Week 5. Homework from Monday Brainstorm debate topics. Debates start next Wednesday (Thanks, Jeff!). Read Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Wednesday’s Class Session 2 Week 5. Homework from Monday Brainstorm debate topics. Debates start next Wednesday (Thanks, Jeff!). Read Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Wednesday’s Class Session 2 Week 5

2 Homework from Monday Brainstorm debate topics. Debates start next Wednesday (Thanks, Jeff!). Read Chapter 11. Do vocabulary exercises on p. 103-104. Do Extend the Topic, parts B and C, p. 110- 111. Be prepared to present to a group on Wednesday.

3 Next Chapter – Unit 11 Biology: The Fountain of Youth

4 Ageing Sources BBC written news report on recent Mayo Clinic study YouTube news summary on recent ageing research GDM

5 Newsy Report on YouTube What does the mice study suggest? Clearing old, non-dividing cells can prevent certain age-related diseases. What is a senescent cell? A cell in a mature organism that has stopped dividing. What is a risk of this approach? Senescent cells are thought to fight cancer, so killing them could be dangerous. What are the possible benefits mentioned? It may alter the way we approach diseases related to ageing such as cancer and diabetes. What are some of the sources of this report? Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, TIME, Bloomberg Bus. Week, HealthDay, USA Today, Daily Mail

6 Newsy Report on YouTube What does the mice study suggest? Clearing old, non-dividing cells can prevent certain age-related diseases. What is a senescent cell? A cell in a mature organism that has stopped dividing. What is a risk of this approach? Senescent cells are thought to fight cancer, so killing them could be dangerous. What are the possible benefits mentioned? It may alter the way we approach diseases related to ageing such as cancer and diabetes. What are some of the sources of this report? Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, TIME, Bloomberg Bus. Week, HealthDay, USA Today, Daily Mail

7 Newsy Report on YouTube What does the mice study suggest? Clearing old, non-dividing cells can prevent certain age-related diseases. What is a senescent cell? A cell in a mature organism that has stopped dividing. What is a risk of this approach? Senescent cells are thought to fight cancer, so killing them could be dangerous. What are the possible benefits mentioned? It may alter the way we approach diseases related to ageing such as cancer and diabetes. What are some of the sources of this report? Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, TIME, Bloomberg Bus. Week, HealthDay, USA Today, Daily Mail

8 Newsy Report on YouTube What does the mice study suggest? Clearing old, non-dividing cells can prevent certain age-related diseases. What is a senescent cell? A cell in a mature organism that has stopped dividing. What is a risk of this approach? Senescent cells are thought to fight cancer, so killing them could be dangerous. What are the possible benefits mentioned? It may alter the way we approach diseases related to ageing such as cancer and diabetes. What are some of the sources of this report? Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, TIME, Bloomberg Bus. Week, HealthDay, USA Today, Daily Mail

9 Newsy Report on YouTube What does the mice study suggest? Clearing old, non-dividing cells can prevent certain age-related diseases. What is a senescent cell? A cell in a mature organism that has stopped dividing. What is a risk of this approach? Senescent cells are thought to fight cancer, so killing them could be dangerous. What are the possible benefits mentioned? It may alter the way we approach diseases related to ageing such as cancer and diabetes. What are some of the sources of this report? Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, TIME, Bloomberg Bus. Week, HealthDay, USA Today, Daily Mail

10 Newsy Report on YouTube What does the mice study suggest? Clearing old, non-dividing cells can prevent certain age-related diseases. What is a senescent cell? A cell in a mature organism that has stopped dividing. What is a risk of this approach? Senescent cells are thought to fight cancer, so killing them could be dangerous. What are the possible benefits mentioned? It may alter the way we approach diseases related to ageing such as cancer and diabetes. What are some of the sources of this report? Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, TIME, Bloomberg Bus. Week, HealthDay, USA Today, Daily Mail

11 Critical Academic Thinking and Communicating 1.Be open and respectful.  Ensure that others are heard/ensure that you are heard. Be aware of communication-style differences. 2.Explore all possible perspectives.  Do not “finish early”. 3.Analyze (don’t just accept) definitions. 4.Ask questions. 5.Question answers. 6.Use reason/logic, not emotions. 7.Try to suspend prejudices and assumptions.  Ask questions instead. 8.Be ready to be wrong. 9.Be ready to change your opinion. 10.Unanswered questions are okay.

12 DISCUSSION - Connect to the Topic p. 102

13 DISCUSSION - Build Your Vocabulary p. 103-104

14 DISCUSSION - Build Your Vocabulary p. 103-104

15 DISCUSSION – Extend the Topic Parts A and B p. 110-111

16 Listen to the Lecture p. 106-107

17 Debate Team Topic Brainstorming E-mail topics to me if you want feedback.

18 Name: XXXXXX PG O.C. Team Debate Project Round 1 Evaluation XX/XX/2011 Debate Project Instructions: Please refer to the course handout entitled, “Team Debate Project”. Scoring CategoryMax. ScoreActual Score Group Score Selection and clear identification of debate question1000 Evidence of critical thinking1000 Conclusion and Q & A session1000 Total (= sum of the three categories)300 Grade (= total / 30 x 100)10000 Comments and Recommendations  Individual Score Clarity and efficiency of speech500 Time management500 Relaxed appearance500 Respect for teammates, audience, and debate procedure500 Support for ideas and opinions presented1000 Total (= sum of the three categories)300 Grade (= total / 30 x 100)10000 Comments and Recommendations

19 Debate Teams (Round Two) Team 1 – Leon N., YunJie, James, Sharon, Alex, Hoareah Team 2 – Leon P., Jane, Abdul, Quang, Beverly, Jeff Team 3 – Sam, Woody, Doris, Peggy, MJ

20 Debate Timeline (revised 11/14) 1.Planning Period 13 minutes 2.“A” Team Opening Statement3 minutes 3.“B” Team Opening Statement3 minutes 4.Planning Period 23 minutes 5.“B” Team Response3 minutes 6.“A” Team Response3 minutes 7.Planning Period 33 minutes 8.“A” Team Final Statement3 minutes 9.“B” Team Final Statement3 minutes 10.Audience Vote and Response 10 minutes

21 Homework Study chapter 11 vocabulary and ageing concepts. Work with debate team to develop topic. Debates start next Wednesday. LRP 3 due Friday, Nov. 25 at midnight.

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