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Activity Report 02/03-05.2011 Reggio Emilia Upper Austrian Region.

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Presentation on theme: "Activity Report 02/03-05.2011 Reggio Emilia Upper Austrian Region."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity Report 02/03-05.2011 Reggio Emilia Upper Austrian Region

2 overview REZIPE activities organisational matters solar power station at a public building 2. Upper Austrian Solar Rally guidelines for e-mobility other activities tender for e-bikes and e-scooter solar power station at the main railway station in Linz

3 organisational matters instead of “Upper Austrian Academy for Environment and Nature”: Upper Austrian Department of Environment lead responsibility still executed by Andreas Drack substitute Michael Nagl instead of Harald Huber

4 solar power station at a public building 3 kWp-power station erected in November 2010 at the vocational school of Attnang-Puchheim successful press releases after the press conference on January 19 th environment issues will be included in the regular school curriculum (by Climate Alliance Upper Austria) inclusion in the Solar Rally 2011; pupils will be invited to attend the exhibition on e-mobility electricity yielded as a budget in the Upper Austrian Administration free of charge for employees who travel by e-bikes to the offices official e-bike used in the school; two more are located in Linz; all three can be used as test vehicles

5 1. Upper Austrian Solar Power Station at a public building

6 2. Upper Austrian Solar Rally 22-24th June 2011 organised (again) by climate alliance Upper Austria linked to the Austrian climate tour in co-operation with the two big electricity companies Linz AG and Energie AG 3626 persons invited by letter (combination with a questionnaire linked to the support scheme for e-bikes) additional letter to all 444 mayors of municipalities invitation of schools in Linz by the city of Linz invitation of media representatives to drive a part of the tour local posters of REZIPE tour: Linz (exhibition)-Eberstalzell (PV-installation)-Attnang (exhibition)-Klaus different tours for e-bikes and e-cars

7 guidelines for e-mobility Resolution proposal will be agreed during the 2011 General Assembly on May 5th official introduced on 18th February by Climate Alliance Austria

8 tender for e-bikes and e-scooter action of the administration (mobility management) for employees 15-25% discount (for the new 2011 models) data sheets one week fair for testing the bikes in November 2010 evaluation starting by questionnaire last week 3 official e-bike in the administration

9 solar power station at the main railway station in Linz project management and design by the electricity company (Linz AG) positive expert opinion from the responsible architecture (Holzbauer plus Partner): transparent cells restrictive opinion of the representatives of the railway company (ÖBB) next step: representative of city should boost the project but! Mayor of Linz stopped the project!

10 CMO-project Project redesigned – reduced costs, regional support for co-financing launch of an association for e-mobility (and a network?) current situation: no further activities in networking in Upper Austria new (10) working groups on e-mobility under the umbrella of federal ministries

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