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多种多样;多样性 Revision Warming up Reading Consolidation Pre-reading.

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2 多种多样;多样性 Revision Warming up Reading Consolidation Pre-reading

3 Translate the following into English or Chinese: 1. 到达 ( 大地方 )_____________ 2. 在 1998 年 __________________________ 3. 百分之四十 ________________ 4. 在十六世纪早期 ______________________ 5. 第三大的国家 _____________________ means of __________________ addition ____________ 8.settle in _____________ 9.make a life _________________________ 10. be ruled by ____________ arrive in in 1998 (nineteen ninety-eight) forty percent in the early 16 th century the third largest country 用 … 方法; 借助 … 除 … 之外 定居 谋生;习惯新的生活方式等 被 … 统治

4 Pacific ocean Mexico California Rocky Mountains Great Lakes Mississippi River New York Washington Miami Houston Los Angeles San FranciscoChicago Look at the map and write down the names of some important places of the USA. Canada Atlantic ocean

5 Look at the pictures. They show something about California. What are they? Can you find them? Discuss in groups. Life of Native California Indians (印地安人)

6 A gold miner (淘金者) Traditional Chinese building in Chinatown( 唐人街 )

7 Fast reading: Read the first paragraph (第一段) and the headings ( 小标题 ) of the text quickly, then guess the main idea of the text. It talks about the history of California, which, at various times, attracted people from nearly every country of the world. Main idea ( 主要内容 ) : the third sentence

8 Read the passage again, find out when the following people first came to California. Russians __________ Japanese __________ Chinese __________ Cambodians __________ Africans __________ Koreans __________ Italians __________ Danish __________ Jewish __________ Pakistanis __________ in the early 1800s in about 1848 since the 1800s in the late 19 th century by the 1920s at the beginning of the 20 th century in recent decades( 十年 ) in recent decades in 1911 in the 1970s Intensive reading:

9 Fill in the blanks : 1.In the 18th century, California _____ _____ by Spain. 2.In 1821, California became _____ of Mexico. 3.In 1846, the United States ________ ______ on Mexico. After it lost the war, Mexico had to ______ California to the United States. 4.In 1848, _______ was discovered in California and _____ _____ of becoming rich _________ people from all over the world. 5.In 1850, California became ____ _____ _____ of the United States. 6.In the 1860s, the ________ of the railway from the west to east brought a large number of _______ __________to California. 7.In the late 19th century, Italians, mainly _______ and _______ _______, arrived in California. wasruled part declaredwar give gold the dream attracted the31thstates building Chineseimmigrants fishermenwine makers

10 8. In 1911, immigrants from ________ established a town of their own. 9. By the 1920s the ______ ________ was well established in Hollywood, California. The film industry attracted Europeans including many______ _______. 10. Between 1942 and 1945, many Africans came to California to work in the ________ and _________ industries. 11. Since the early 1970s, the computer industry has attracted Indians and _________ to California. 12. In more recent decades, California has become home to people from Asia, including ___________, __________, Vietnamese and Laotians. Demark filmindustry Jewish people ship aircraft Pakistanis CambodiansKoreans

11 Multiple choices: 1.After the arrival of the Europeans in the 16 th century, ______. A. Native people were killed or forced into slavery. B. Many native people died from diseases brought by Europeans. C. None of the native people could survive the terrible times. D. Both A and B. 2. Which of the following is false according to the passage? A. During the Gold Rush Period many people went to California in the hope of becoming rich quickly. B. Actually very few gold miners became rich. C. During the Gold Rush Period many Chinese immigrants arrived in California only to find gold. D. California became a state of the US two years after the gold was discovered there.

12 3. Which of the following is correct? A. California became part of Mexico in 1846. B. California became the thirty-first state of the United States of American in 1848. C. In 1848, gold was discovered in California. D. In 1846, immigrants form Denmark established a town of their own. 4. From the passage we can infer( 推断 ) that _________. A. between the late 19 th century and the early 20 th century Italian and Danish immigrants came to California to make wine. B. by the 1930s many Jewish people came to California because they were attracted by the film industry. C. African people came to California to work in the ship and aircraft Industry.

13 Homework Finish Page 4 Exercise 1 & 2


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