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Teaching I. S. through reading and writing Chau Wai Shing PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching I. S. through reading and writing Chau Wai Shing PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching I. S. through reading and writing Chau Wai Shing PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School

2 Queries about the language policy as a science teacher  What is the purpose of using English to teach science?  Would the use of English as the MOI hinder students’ understanding of science?  Does the use of English as the MOI involve the teaching of English language?  Does the teaching of English language imply a decrease in the teaching time of science?  How to motivate students to learn science through English?

3 “If we teach a subject which students find difficult, boring and unappealing, and if on top of that, students are being taught in a language they find difficult, then for them to learn anything is going to be a miracle.” (Deller and Price, 2007)

4 Inspirations from “Doing, Talking and Writing Science” 1.Science is a cultural construct  Scientists communicate in specific genres: purposeful, predictable, objective, logical, systematic  Genres convey thinking patterns, and are hence ways of constructing knowledge.  Teaching science is guiding students to think in specific generic ways: experimental reports, descriptive reports, sequential explanations, analytical arguments, etc.

5 Inspirations from “Doing, Talking and Writing Science” 2.Learning is from receptive knowledge to productive knowledge  It is in the transition from receptive knowledge to productive knowledge that conceptualization begins.  Productive knowledge is an authentic assessment of students’ learning.  Teaching is guiding students from the engagement in texts (doing, speaking, listening, reading, viewing) to the organization of knowledge and then to the production in writing.

6 Changes in teaching practices 1.From texts to notes  Using various types of graphic organizers, tables, charts or diagrams to represent different genres.  Different genres require different types of organizers.  Guiding students to organize their own notes.  Examples: F. 1 I.S. NotesF. 1 I.S. Notes

7 Changes in teaching practices 2.From speaking to writing  Guiding students to formulate their understanding into sentences and paragraphs, giving necessary language supports.  Helping students to link up their paragraphs into passages.  Examples: F.1: Supply and demand of petroleum fractionsSupply and demand of petroleum fractions F.3:Balanced diet & Short writingsBalanced dietShort writings

8 Thank You!

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