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1 of 12 DetaiLogic ™ Patent Pending Manufacturer’s Introduction ■

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1 1 of 12 DetaiLogic ™ Patent Pending Manufacturer’s Introduction ■

2 2 of 12 What’s the Issue?  You make the products from which buildings are made.  But others decide whether to use your products on a particular building and how to use them. Who? Designers, builders, and owners. You need an effective way to… Get their attention, and Inform their work ■

3 3 of 12 What’s the Issue?  If you don’t get their attention, they won’t know your products, and you’ll miss a sale.  If they don’t get your information, they could use your products in inappropriate ways. Then you’ll have to… Propose corrections through the submittals process, with all the work that entails. Spend more time on shop drawings Decide whether to honor your warrantee when inappropriately applied products fail. Deal with claims and other sources of liability. ■

4 4 of 12 What’s the Issue? Besides…  It costs you to produce and distribute materials.  It’s hard for your product reps to get to everyone who needs them.  The information you distribute gets obsolete. Even if you post updates to a website, it and they have to be found.  Your products may not be remembered or applied appropriately when decisions are being made. ■

5 5 of 12 Current Solutions For now, you try to manage through contact.  You provide data: product binders, CAD details, test reports, samples, etc.  You hold seminars and answer calls (assuming they call).  You go to trade shows and advertise, with all of the associated costs. And still it’s hard. ■

6 6 of 12 Current Solutions Is there a better way? Yes It’s called DetaiLogic™ ■

7 7 of 12 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ DetaiLogic™ is…  An advisor that suggests materials and assemblies to its users  An instructor that helps users decide and introduces them to new materials  A tester that quickly assesses the implications when project requirements change.  A draftsman that compiles custom details from their constituent subassemblies, and outputs detail drawings and specification sections. ■

8 8 of 12 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ How does it work?  It asks designers what they want from their details. They can input a list of performance criteria, select specific materials, or do a combination of the two.  It searches a library for data on subassemblies and materials that correspond to or fulfill the inputted list.  It compiles the subassemblies into connections, and the connections into details.  It outputs drawings, specifications, and a performance assessment of the compiled detail.  It lets designers link to you for other support (to order samples, get questions answered, etc.). ■

9 9 of 12 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ Where’s the data library come from?  From you. You prepare the proprietary details and specifications used by DetaiLogic™.  When? You can update your data at any time, and they will be immediately available to DetaiLogic™ users.  How is it different from what you put on your website? Your data will have to fit a format unique to Detai- Logic™ that makes all of the alternative choices interchangeable. Then your product’s control joint detail can be instantly substituted for another’s. Your data will be part of a huge system where design professionals will easily find it. ■

10 10 of 12 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ Who can use it? Anyone. But any details or specifications DetaiLogic™ generates must be sealed by a licensed DP before being executed (except for exempt [small] projects). ■

11 11 of 12 Why should you support it?  DetaiLogic™ proposes your products for a project based on the degree to which they fit its needs. That pre-qualifies your products in the eyes of the project team.  It does so at precisely the right time and place: when decisions are being made, and for the people making the decisions.  When the recommended product is accepted, DetaiLogic™ delivers your data to the team. Their details and specifications will be accurate.  DetaiLogic™ provides a direct link for contractor users to place orders for your products. ■ The Alternative: DetaiLogic™

12 12 of 12 Can you try it out? Yes! The ArchiBas X website includes:  A walk-through that explains what DetaiLogic™ is and how it works.  A software mock up that, while not yet functional, does suggest the flow of DetaiLogic™, if not its final look or feel. ■ The Alternative: DetaiLogic™

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