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geometric representations of graphs

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1 geometric representations of graphs
Eigenvalues and geometric representations of graphs László Lovász Microsoft Research One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA Cim

2 (all graphs connected)
Matrices associated with graphs (all graphs connected) Adjacency matrix: Laplacian:

3 Adjacency matrix: Laplacian:

4 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
eigenvalues of adjacency matrix eigenvalues of Laplacian

5 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
-1 1 1 -1 1.481 1.193 1

6 The largest eigenvalue
average degree maximum degree If G is regular of degree d, then

7 The largest eigenvalue
Wilf chromatic number maximum clique

8 The largest eigenvalue
not used!

9 The smallest eigenvalue
G bipartite  1 1 -1

10 The smallest eigenvalue
G k-colorable  Hoffman Proof uses only 0 entries: can replace 1’s by anything maximizing we get: Polynomial time computable!

11 semidefinite optimization problem
Computing semidefinite optimization problem

12 Another matrix associated with graphs
Adjacency matrix: Laplacian: Transition matrix (of random walk): (Not much difference if graph is regular.)

13 Random walks How long does it take to get completely lost?

14 Sampling by random walk
S: large and complicated set Want: uniformly distributed random element from S (all lattice points in convex body all states of a physical system all matchings in a graph...) Applications: - statistics - simulation - counting - numerical integration - optimization - card shuffling...

15 One general method for sampling: random walks
(+rejection sampling, lifting,…) Want: sample from set V Construct regular connected non-bipartite graph with node set V Walk for T steps ???????????? mixing time Output the final node

16 Example: random linear extension of partial order
1 2 5 4 3 Node: compatible linear order 1 3 5 4 2 Step: - pick randomly label i<n; - interchange i and i+1 if possible Given: poset

17 The second largest eigenvalue

18 Conductance Edge-density in cut frequency of stepping from S to V \ S
in random walk: in sequence of independent samples: Edge-density in cut conductance:

19 Conductance and eigenvalue gap
eigenvalues of transition matrix Jerrum - Sinclair up to a constant factor

20 Conductance and eigenvalue gap
eigenvalues of transition matrix Jerrum - Sinclair

21 What about the eigenvectors?
eigenvalues of A G connected  l1 has multiplicity 1 eigenvector is all-positive Frobenius-Perron

22 What about the eigenvectors?
eigenvalues of A are connected. Van der Holst

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