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Nationality and Identity Learning Objectives To define nationality To explain features of British identity To evaluate the importance of nationality.

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2 Nationality and Identity

3 Learning Objectives To define nationality To explain features of British identity To evaluate the importance of nationality as a source of identity To evaluate the impact of globalisation on national identity

4 Nationality In groups define: 1)Nation 2)Nation state 3)Nationality 4)Nationalism

5 British Identity Produce a spider diagram of the features of British identity. What are the problems with some of the features of British identity? Who might not see these as part of British identity?

6 Socialisation and National Identity Produce a spider diagram of the ways in which British people are socialised into a British identity? Is this the same for all National identities?

7 British Values According to former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and current Prime Minister David Cameron, British values include: A commitment to liberty for all A commitment to social responsibility by all A commitment to fairness to all Freedom of speech Freedom of worship Democracy The rule of law Equal rights Do you agree? What is the problem with seeing these as British rights?

8 Life in the UK Test In pairs, note down answers to the sample questions for the Life in the UK test.

9 Analyse and Evaluate Evaluate the problems with the ‘Life in the UK test’ that you did in the previous lesson (Evaluate arguments for and against) Is this a fair test for people applying for British Citizenship? What questions should be included?

10 Globalisation What is globalisation? Provide examples. What are the key factors which have influenced the process of globalisation?

11 How do these show globalisation?

12 Globalisation and National Identities Produce a list of the ways in which globalisation might lead to declining national identities. What other factors may have caused the decline of national identities such as British identities? How have we seen national identities becoming more important to people in recent years? Read through your handout – can only highlight Maximum 15 terms per section (last section 25) What does Orr mean by negative identities?

13 10 marker On a post it note write down 12 words only to be used in the following question Outline and explain two ways globalisation has affected national identities (10 maker)

14 Questions Define the term Nationality (2 marks) Outline three characteristics of the culture of Globalisation (6 marks) Outline and explain two ways an individual is socialised into their National Identity (10 marker)

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