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Let’s Talk SMARTER 1.  A quick “background” video from SMARTER as recap  Common Core State Standards: A New Foundation for Student Success (3:00) Common.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Talk SMARTER 1.  A quick “background” video from SMARTER as recap  Common Core State Standards: A New Foundation for Student Success (3:00) Common."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Talk SMARTER 1

2  A quick “background” video from SMARTER as recap  Common Core State Standards: A New Foundation for Student Success (3:00) Common Core State Standards: A New Foundation for Student Success 2 Let’s Talk SMARTER

3 Wisconsin Assessment System Wisconsin's state assessment is based on state standards. As Wisconsin transitions to the next generation assessment system announced last fall (2010), DPI is supporting an assessment system built around the Common Core State Standards. Wisconsin is a governing state within the multi-state consortium called the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). The guiding principles of SBAC mirror the recommendations of Wisconsin’s Next Generation Assessment Task Force report. Through the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium a common state summative assessment will be created and will replace the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam in 2014-2015 at the earliest.SMARTER Balanced Assessment ConsortiumWisconsin’s Next Generation Assessment Task Force reportSmarter Balanced Assessment Consortium 3 Let’s Talk SMARTER

4 Wisconsin Assessment System continued… In addition to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, Wisconsin is involved in developing both new alternate achievement standards and a new alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities. DPI is a member of a second multi state consortium called Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM). DLM is charged with developing new alternate achievement standards, called Common Core Essential Elements (CCEEs), which are aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Upon the completion of the CCEEs, DLM will begin developing a summative alternate assessment, along with formative evaluation materials and supportive professional development. We expect that this summative alternate assessment will replace the Wisconsin Alternate Assessment for Student with Disabilities in 2014-15, following the same timeframe as the SBAC.Smarter Balanced Assessment ConsortiumDynamic Learning Maps 4 Let’s Talk SMARTER

5  Next Generation Task Force report available herehere  Defining a Balanced Assessment System page 6  Foundational Assumptions page 8  Recommendations for Implementation page 9 5 Let’s Talk SMARTER

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10  Quick comments or reactions in light of our discussion this morning on assessment?  This was 2009  CCSS adopted by Wisconsin DPI in 2010  To apply for Race to the Top funding the state had to join a consortium and agree to a common assessment  A quick note on funding  Wisconsin (one of 21 “governing” initial states) joined the SMARTER (Summative Multi-State Assessment Resources for Teachers and Educational Researchers) Balanced Consortium (SBC) which is now working to create the next assessment 10 Let’s Talk SMARTER

11  Through the Wisconsin DPI more information and quarterly reports are available herehere  Further information is available directly at  Let’s take time for:  A quick look at some highlights to overview current plans and implementation  Some actual sample test items  Returning to if this is any better and how to engage and influence 11 Let’s Talk SMARTER

12 12 Let’s Talk SMARTER

13  Move to a table; markers there to write  Two different articles on each table; sub- divide into two groups  Take time to silently read through a document  As you read please circle, highlight, question and comment on the content  Also respond to the comments of others 13 Let’s Talk SMARTER

14  Now let’s survey the other tables  Skim the comments/textual highlights of those who read the same/different articles  Take your writing utensil, circulate, read, react, question, etc.  Return to “your” table, quickly skim “additions” and then let’s talk…  Questions, comments, reactions (your own or those of others)? 14 Let’s Talk SMARTER

15  Although not nearly enough time there’s a more complete overview document herehere  We’ll look at a few quick highlights (handout) before turning to test items >>> 15 Let’s Talk SMARTER

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22  There will be a summative assessment that makes use of:  Selected response  Short constructed response  Extended response  Technology enhanced  There will be videos to watch and respond to, objects to manipulate, etc.  Performance tasks >> 22 Let’s Talk SMARTER

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25  More on what comes next?  Comments or connections on how this relates to our discussion from this morning?  For all of the “talk” a lot of digging in technical documents makes it clear that norm-based testing, percentiles and score spread will still be standard reporting features  So same problems discussed earlier in the day 25 Let’s Talk SMARTER

26  A look at a sample item  You can find these and others herehere 26 Let’s Talk SMARTER

27  A selected response question  Question asks students to read the passage and select one of the highlighted sentences to answer the question  Madame Shaw seems to regard Polly more warmly than she does the other children. Click on the highlighted sentence from the story that provides the best evidence that Polly shares this feeling. 27 Let’s Talk SMARTER

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29  A constructed response question  Read the story and compose a response that addresses the prompt  During the course of this story, the pendulum undergoes a major transformation. What lesson does he learn, and how does the dial help him reach this new understanding? Use details from the story to support your response. 29 Let’s Talk SMARTER

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31  So reaction, questions, problems you see based on our discussions from earlier in the day? 31 Let’s Talk SMARTER

32  Although the changes coming are suggested as improvement (and parts are) there are still large problems  Regardless of all else we’re still looking at a percentile reporting = norm-referenced = score spread = winners and losers  Why we HAVE to continue to learn as a profession, be able to articulate, have the conversations locally 32 Let’s Talk SMARTER

33  Turn to a partner and with them create a list (each make your own copy!) of things you’ll be sure to share with colleagues about the upcoming SBC assessment: 1. Key understandings, highlights & viewpoints 2. Strengths of the SBC assessment and parts educators should stand behind/stress/encourage 3. Problems that are clear even in these early stages, how you’ll explain them, who needs to know what (think back to “athletics” data) 33 Let’s Talk SMARTER

34  Sharing? 1. Key understandings, highlights & viewpoints 2. Strengths of the SBC assessment and parts educators should stand behind/stress/encourage 3. Problems that are clear even in these early stages, how you’ll explain them, who needs to know what (think back to “athletics” data)  Let’s take 10 minutes to break 34 Let’s Talk SMARTER

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