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COMMUNITY RELATIONS Pertemuan 23 - 24 By: Dr. Drs. Dominikus Tulasi, MM. Mata kuliah: 00324 - CRISIS COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATION Tahun : 2010.

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2 COMMUNITY RELATIONS Pertemuan 23 - 24 By: Dr. Drs. Dominikus Tulasi, MM. Mata kuliah: 00324 - CRISIS COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATION Tahun : 2010

3 Bina Nusantara University 3 Learning Objectives  Understanding the Community Relations  List the key components of Community Relations  Understand the diversity and elements of community Relations  Start to build public meetings  Understand Future Trend of Community Relations

4 Bina Nusantara University 4 COMMUNITY RELATIONS  A business slogan says, “Think globally, act locally.” community relations, particularly in some towns and cities where the company maintains an office, retail outlets, or a manufacturing facility, carries out that advice.  Because a corporation relies on local governments for construction permits, changes in zoning laws, even tax concessions, a good working relationship with city hall and community groups is important.

5 Bina Nusantara University 5 WHAT IS COMMUNITY RELATIONS?  Community relations describe the interaction between an organization and the community.  Community relations refers to an organization’s planned, active and continuing participation within a community to maintain and enhance its environment to the benefit of both the organization and the community.  Community relation is the state of relations between the company and the community in which it has a presence or an impact.

6 Bina Nusantara University 6 WHAT IS COMMUNITY RELATIONS? (1)  Communities can be defined as any group of people with a common interests (A ‘public’ or ‘stakeholder group’). In PR practice, the term applies most often to location—people grouped according to geography. Of course these will be many different publics or stakeholder groups within any geographic community, and these will be quite fluid—changing as the issues change.  The nature of community relations activity, including the approach and the communication tools employed.

7 Bina Nusantara University 7 WHATEVER THE NATURE OF THE ACTIVITY?  The process must be transparent, inclusive, accountable and ethically based.  The goals, parameters and methodology must be clear from the beginning and must be understood by all participants.  Sufficient time must be allowed in accordance with the degree of community involvement being sought, and the program should be conducted.  Information provided must be sufficiently comprehensive, accurate, accessible and consistent.

8 Bina Nusantara University 8 BENEFIT OF SOUND COMMUNITY RELATIONS  An enhanced understanding and awareness of the business of the organization in the public arena;  Improved credibility and enhanced decision making;  Improved morale among employees;  Establishment of mutually beneficial corporate/community partnerships.

9 Bina Nusantara University 9 FUTURE TRENDS  The worldwide trend in community relations practice is towards an increasing level of community consultation, which seeks to establish a strong collaboration between organizations and their community constituents.  Communities want to know about projects or initiatives that may affect them, how the organization intends to address the anticipated impacts.  Community relations activity is increasingly two-way symmetric, based on ongoing dialogue and active partnering.  Contemporary community relations programs are strategically aligned with organizational objectives and represent a long-term organizational commitment.

10 Bina Nusantara University 10 ELEMENTS OF A COMMUNITY RELATIONS PLAN  A research-based situation analysis;  Program or project objectives and a statement of intent, linked with strategic organizational goals;  Definition of stakeholders and determination of their communication needs, preferences and concern in relation to the project or the organization;  A communication strategy and methodology designed to support the program objectives;  Measurement and evaluation mechanisms;

11 Bina Nusantara University 11 HOW TO HANDLE DIFFICULT PUBLIC MEETINGS  Preparation—select an independent chairperson set ground rules.  A rule of thumb, at the meeting-have one person in a support capacity for attendees—take careful notes of the questions being asked and if possible, the name of the questioner, so that further responses may be provided to that person after the meeting.  After the meeting—debrief as soon as possible, immediately if it is convenient.

12 Bina Nusantara University 12 PUBLIC MEDIA CENTER PRINCIPLES Public media center grew out of volunteer efforts by progressive media professionals to speed an end to a fierce war, challenge the growth of nuclear power, and help poor communities fight off their exploiters. Our basic idea is that democracy should include everybody, not just those with enough money to buy access to the mass media and government. Learn more about our social action and public education strategies, and current program of organizing and media campaigns.

13 Bina Nusantara University 13 FIGHT TO WIN! THE PUBLIC MEDIA CENTER’S 10-POINT GUIDE TO SOCIAL CHANGE:  Communicate values  Be oppositional  Target the undecided  Act like a winner  Make enemies, not friends…  Empower your audience  Target opinion leaders

14 Bina Nusantara University 14  Be a responsible extremist—not as responsible moderates.  Assert ongoing pressure  Be diverse

15 Bina Nusantara University 15 WOMAN IN PR: PROBLEMS & OPPORTUNITIES  Both educators and practitioners have recognized that PR has experienced an influx of woman. Feminization has been at the fore of discussions about the future of the field with regard to professionalism, prestige, and salaries.  The most common theme of these discussion has been the future of the field given the “problem” feminization seems to bring (Bates, 1983; Bernstein, 1986).

16 Bina Nusantara University 16 INEQUITIES IN SALARY AND STATUS  A flurry of recent scholarship has focused on describing the inequities in salary and organizational status that female practitioners confront. The most important strain probably is Broom’s investigation of organizational roles.

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